
Terror is Longterm Zionist Strategy for World Domination

Israel’s policy of “covert aggression” has been reborn as false flag terror, and all Westerners are being put in the position of “persecuted” Jews.  “Our State marching along the path of  peaceful [i.e, world] conquest has the right to replace the horrors of war by less notable and more satisfactory sentences of death necessary … Read More

End Times Script? Is History Following The Rothschild’s Messiah Script?

This period cartoon illustrates the crowned heads of Europe — the ostensible rulers of the day — bowing before Lionel Rothschild on his throne of mortgages, loans and cash. In fact, this was the reality of the day, the effective fruition of the age-old Jewish dream of a New World … Read More

Historian Says Rothschilds are Chasid Puppets

Is this real face of the Illuminati? Speaking in euphemism, Lubavitcher prophet Menachem Scheerson (1902-1994) said Cabalist Jews will rule the world after an apocalypse they intend to initiate.  Updated from Sept 4, 2008 by Henry Makow Ph.D.  A Munich-based historian Wolfgang Eggert, 54, believes orthodox Jews called Chasidim want to instigate a nuclear … Read More


An objective look at the world today will clearly reveal that a disproportionate number of people in positions of power in Western countries have Jewish names. For those who are the brunt of the nefarious activities of Western foreign policy, particularly the Middle East, “the Jews” then become the logical … Read More

Hand Sign Indicates Massive Satanic Conspiracy

Henry Makow Below is a list of political and cultural leaders over more than 500 years whose official portraits show them making a Triad Hand Sign, joining their third and fourth fingers. This is also known as “Triad Claw.” What are the chances that people living centuries apart would make the same Masonic … Read More

Halloween is Satanist Christmas

October 31, 2015 | Richard Evans The Hidden History of Halloween Behind the playful facade, Halloween  celebrates perversion, which is the  real meaning of the occult.  It is “indoctrination into Druid paganism,   witchcraft, and Satanism.” Why are we celebrating one of the holiest days in the satanic calendar? The second “holiest” time is … Read More

Jesus and the Talmud

When Christians think of the Jewish religion, we think mostly about the Mosaic Law or the Pentateuch, the Torah which is sacred to Christianity. We consider the Mosaic law to have been a “shadow” of things to come, which were fulfilled through the gospel by Jesus Christ. In that way there is congruity … Read More

Conspiracy Against Jews – Zionism

Henry Makow  In 1935 the steamer “Tel Aviv” made its maiden voyage from Nazi Germany to Haifa with Hebrew letters on its bow and a Nazi flag fluttering from its mast. The Captain of the Zionist-owned ship was a member of the Nazi Party. A passenger described the spectacle as a “metaphysical absurdity.” … Read More


This article examines the claims of the “Shemitah” at length and is also included on the page: Blood Moons and Shemitahs Deception. The Mystery Of The Shemita: Is It Real? Bible Integrity The Mystery of the Shemitah by Jonathan Cahn (Lake Mary, Florida: FrontLine, Charisma Media / Charisma House Book … Read More

CAHN, the SHEMITAH, and HIS ESCHATOLOGY: Genuine Concern and Comments

  I’m glad to see Gonz addressing this topic. LINKS Critique of Mystery of the Shemitah…… Cahn on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth… Critique of HRM… Good Article on Jewish Roots…

Intrinsic Evil, Genetics and the New World Order

In this article I will discuss intrinsic evil— what it is and where it comes from.  Is man capable of intrinsic evil?  Are there men of intrinsic evil in the world today? We’ll start with a definition.  Intrinsic evil is evil that is unredeemable. Theoretically every sin that man commits is … Read More

Where the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory Came From and Why You Shouldn’t Believe It

  This is a good article examining the history behind the pre-tribulation rapture teaching as well as how the mystery religions operate. I want to add a note caution on the author’s paragraph about the Day of the Lord being the Feast of Trumpets. While I believe that the feast … Read More

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