
Cris White on Michael Tsarion

Sorting through all the “Truther” sites and information can be confusing, as many out there who present themselves as ‘opposing’ the New Age Luciferian New World Order are at the same time, following the various schools of New Age Spiritual thought. Sadly, you quickly learn that many of the teachers behind … Read More

Puppets For The New World Order

 Chuck Baldwin America’s Founding Fathers wisely instituted a federal government with three separate branches with the intention of creating built-in checks and balances designed to protect the liberties of the American people and the independence of the sovereign states. Each branch of government was given authority to check the other … Read More

OPENING PORTALS: Augmented Reality, Ingress, and Dark Matter Dimensions

Published on Jan 24, 2015 With the new announcement of Microsoft’s augmented reality device, the HoloLens, we are on the verge of seeing the shift from interactive technology to augmented reality. Through the use of wearable devices, we will soon see what Google Chairman said, is the “disappearance of … Read More

JUPITER ASCENDING and the BIBLE: Ancient Astronaut Propaganda

Visit Gonz Shimura’s Youtube channel to post comments: Published on Feb 9, 2015 Over the weekend, I checked out the new film by the wachawski…well siblings now I guess, of the film Jupiter Ascending, starring Mila Kunis, who plays Jupiter, an earth-born reincarnation of the mother of an alien … Read More

The Greatest Hoax

Sweet Liberty The following article, from TIME Magazine, March 16, 1942 reports on a gathering by the Federal Council of Churches bowing to the New World Order crowd.  It certainly drives the point home and sheds some light on “what’s wrong with our churches”. The conference met during the heat of WWII and … Read More

“Uncommon Sense” A Prophetic Manifesto For The Church In Babylon – Interview With Doug Krieger & Doug Woodward

Doug Woodward and Doug Krieger spend an hour with Rick Wiles, the host of TruNews.  Rick discusses the possible surveillance of his ministry location in Vera Beach, Florida for about 10 minutes, and then he brings us onto the international broadcast. They discuss the new book, UNCOMMON SENSE:  A PROPHETIC MANIFESTO … Read More

Will Freedom Survive 2015?

NewsWithViews | Pastor Chuck Baldwin | 1/15/2015 Something as precious and valuable as a nation’s freedom is not lost in a day–or even in a year. There is no single event that turns citizens into slaves. Oppression and tyranny are always long in the planning–and even longer in the making. Granted, there … Read More

Contemplate This

Suppose you were introduced to a promotion promising a direct line of communication with the Creator of the universe. Let’s say you’re initially skeptical, but you also find the idea appealing. After all, who wouldn’t want to be able to hear from and speak with God as though He were … Read More

“Allah is Yahweh” (?) Hillsong Church – Vigilant Christian

HHA | 12/13/2014 – Updated 12/20/2014 For those of you, who, like me, love Hillsong worship music, rather than taking anyone’s word for anything, I’ve qued this video to minute marker 7:26, where you can hear Brian Houston’s now famous words, likening Allah to Yahweh. “For the time will come when … Read More

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