
Are the 7 Mountains in Trouble?

So I’ve been watching NAR “prophet” Kent Christmas responding to the “election” coverage over the past couple of days. On the 5th, he boldly prophesied that Donald Trump would win, then backpedaled yesterday (the 7th) in response to media announcements of Biden’s victory. He stuck to his guns, saying that … Read More

Witches Laugh at Christians Who Celebrate Halloween

I’d be remiss not to post something about Halloween. Christians should have boycotted this “holiday” from the get-go, but today there is just no excuse anymore to be naive to Halloween’s dark history or the evil that’s occurring while Churches hold their “alternative” events. Daryll Bryant “CHRINO” Christian in name … Read More

Paul Washer – Prophetic Word? The Church & the Spirit of This Age

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” (Prov 3:5) It’s encouraging to meet believers who see through the great deception (strong delusion) the church-at-large is falling under. God is moving … Read More

Newly Issued “Abraham Accord Peace Coin” is Full of “In Your Face” Symbolism

Update 12/16/2020 With the upcoming conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st, take a closer look at the “planet” at the top of this coin. I’d previously thought it was Saturn. Nope. See the spot? It’s a hybrid image of Saturn and Jupiter depicting the conjunction. Donald Trump’s signature … Read More

The Return: The Kabbalist Meaning of “Teshuva” at Yom Kippur

A great Kabbalizing of Christianity has been taking place for some time, beginning in the 1800’s with Darby’s Freemasonic Dispensationalism preparing the church for Zionism. – We can actually go all the way back to Ribera, the 1500’s Catholic monk who moved the timeline in Daniel & Revelation off into … Read More

Near Death Experiences & The Spirit of Our Age | Dr Deep State

Last week I was invited to talk with my dear friend Dr. Doug Haugen, aka Dr Deep State, about my near death experience and how it opened my eyes to the literal darkness that works behind the scenes in this world, which resulted in the launch this website and my … Read More

Yom Kippur: Permission to Deceive – Hoffman

Reposted from Sept 18, 2018 *The Return Event – declared  “the return to God – individually, corporately, nationally, globally – and the end-goal of world revival” was Sept 26, 2020. Yom Kippur 2020 was Sept 27-28. Henry Makow The holiest day in the Jewish Calendar, Yom Kippur, begins this Evening. While … Read More

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