
An Appeal To My Preterist, Postmillennialist, Amillennialist, Reformed & Premillennial Historicist Brethren- Chuck Baldwin

By Chuck Baldwin February 6, 2020 Before I get to the main point: This column was written before the vote in the Senate to acquit Donald Trump of corruption charges took place—but it doesn’t matter. The verdict to acquit was made before the “trial” ever began. And as for the so-called … Read More


The believer who dares to question the officially accepted “truth” of Christian Zionism, Dispensationalism, Futurism & Premillennialism typically finds himself ostracized by his Christian friends as he begins the long arduous journey of dispelling a lifetime of indoctrination and  rebuilding his understanding final days prophecy and how to interpret events … Read More

Santa Claus: The Great Imposter

“A wink of his eye, and a twist of his head, soon led me to know I had nothing to dread.” – Twas’ the Night Before Christmas, Clement C. Moore Just who is Santa Claus, really? Wasn’t he just a sweet old guy whose legend grew over time? What’s the … Read More

Trumps Anti-Semitism Executive Order Marks the End of Free Speech

By Brandee Bowen Gorsline [excerpt] Trump declared Judaism to be a NATIONALITY, not a religion or set of beliefs….which makes ANY AND ALL criticism of the nation of Israel or the ruling elite globalists who run the nation AND any person who practices the mystical, sorcery, Kabbalah based RELIGION that … Read More

A Coming Theocracy: Christian Zionism, Domionism & Noahide Laws

Jason Charles is SPOT ON in what he has written here. I will be posting more about how the organized church is being “Judaized” including the move toward using “sacred names” for God (Yahuah, Yaheshua, Jehova… see my article about the Tetragrammaton on the home page.) These things are vitally … Read More

Shocking: Two Men Who Performed Noahide Sacrifice on the Mount of Olives | Malki Tzadik: the real story – Craig Patin

If you have not already seen this, these are the two guys who performed last week’s blasphemous sacrifice on the Mount of Olives. Two Men Who Performed Noahide Sacrifice on Mount of Olives from Christian Observer on Vimeo. Here are excerpts from Facebook member Sarah Grant’s post about the video: … Read More

HORRIBLE NOAHIDE SACRIFICE Renewing the Covenant of Noah for the “70 Nations” – Video (Warning Graphic)

UPDATED 9/28/19 Here is video of the Noahide sacrifice that was performed this morning… Warning: This is graphic. The unspeakably cruel deed is at roughly the 20 time marker. If you don’t have a strong stomach I strongly recommend that you skip it because this poor animal suffered a tortuously … Read More

!Noahide Law, Not Sharia Law Is The Threat!

By Chuck Baldwin September 26, 2019 The Pharisees, Scribes, Elders and Priests of Israel were the great enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was they who led the Hebrew people to crucify Christ and persecute and kill His apostles. These were also the men whose teachings and doctrines would later … Read More

200 Descend. New York. Mt Hermon. Noah!de 600 Flood. United 70 Nations.

Mt Hermon, right on the border with Syria, where hostilities have been building. Watch this area and New York this week! God bless you all! Jesus is LORD! Hear Him! His peace and grace to you all! Syria moving troops to Israel border?… https://bookofenochreferences.wordpre…… Get Esword: Have … Read More

Making Israel And Saudi Arabia Great – Chuck Baldwin

Yesterday we saw that something is off about the bombing of the Saudi Arabian oil fields, but even Trump haters don’t seem interested in hearing about it. I hope you watched Many Fishes video pointing out the inconsistencies in the official narrative. Here Chuck Baldwin offers some needed perspective. By … Read More

Day of the Dead Barbie: Just in time for the Red Heifer Sacrifice

I haven’t had a chance to post much about this, but there are events that are planned for late this month that we should be paying attention to: I hope you’ll take some time to read the recent posts by Craig Patin for his in depth study on this. … Read More

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