
Bilderberg, Babylon, Agenda 21

Paul McGuire | The story of ancient Babylon and the Tower of Babel is an historical account of the world’s first one world government, one world economic system, and one world religion. Most people in our world who have been indoctrinated into what could be termed a “scientific materialist” worldview … Read More

Intrinsic Evil, Genetics and the New World Order

In this article I will discuss intrinsic evil— what it is and where it comes from.  Is man capable of intrinsic evil?  Are there men of intrinsic evil in the world today? We’ll start with a definition.  Intrinsic evil is evil that is unredeemable. Theoretically every sin that man commits is … Read More

Anatomy of a Massive Con Job!

by John Truman Wolf [Editor comments: Mr Wolf does an excellent job explaining how this ‘environmental crisis machine’ was constructed. For those who think it wouldn’t be possible to buy off all so many players, follow the money!] (Download as a pdf) Con #1: LIMITS TO GROWTH “In times of universal … Read More


A few points brought out by the author are dispensational, and I hesitate to keep this post up, but for now I marked these points with an asterisk and italics. By Paul McGuire | 9/21/2015 | From September 25 – 27th 2015 the United Nations will present its new fifteen-year plan … Read More

British Imperialism / Gog & Magog and The “Jewish”(?) Conspiracy

Question: How do the economy, Great Britain, Zionism, the Nephilim, and the NWO all tie together? Here are some clues. Did you know that “Gog and Magog”, two “mythical giants”, are considered to be the “patron saints” or “protectors” of the City of London, which is considered to be the “Vatican … Read More

Tomorrowland’s Disingenuous Warning

May 27, 2015 Illuminati cast themselves as heroes who are warning humanity of its doom.  By failing to heed our “benefactors” humanity’s fate is sealed. General consensus is that the plot does not sustain this $190 million effort. Rotten Tomatoes gave it %50. by Aspen Disney’s latest satanic message to the public is literally: “KILL THE … Read More

BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war

Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon  in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation… Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing (NaturalNews) EXCLUSIVE: Mainland Chinese dissidents have handed Natural News the following bombshell story. (Two minor updates / corrections are now included in this story, see below.) The Tianjin explosion was waged … Read More

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