
Important! Controlled “Truth Movement” EXPOSED!

If you’re confused about why people in the satanic New Age movement are out there emphatically exposing the satanic Illuminati –  Here’s an excellent and insightful video exposing the “Externalization of the Hierarchy,” (the deliberate self-exposing of the “Illuminati”) and the elite’s overarching, all encompassing plan to subjugate the world to … Read More

Open Letter From Paris Climate Change Conference Participant Sounds The Alarm

Upcoming Global Climate Change Agreement Completely Ignores Geoengineering, Precursor Of Oppressive One World Government Activist Michael Murphy Warns About Draconian Climate Change Legislation In The Works State of the Nation SOTN Editor’s Note A highly consequential global climate change conference recently took place in Paris, France.  Several concerned activists, including activist … Read More

Where’s Your Place in Jade Helm—Mastering the Human Domain

NWO anyone? We need to remember that God is astoundingly, immeasurably more powerful than any technology the fallen ones come up with! “…He who keeps you will not slumber” Ps 121:3b Activist Post | By Catherine J. Frompovich | July 5, 2015 After viewing this YouTube about how humans will … Read More

Responding To Police

By Chuck Baldwin | June 11, 2015 Citizen contacts with police are becoming more and more frequent, and often more and more hostile. Sadly, the vast majority of the American people have absolutely NO IDEA how to lawfully and peacefully protect themselves against police overreach and abuse. And sadder still … Read More

“Asteroid” Impact Predicted for September 2015 Fake?

…For those who wish to see more evidence, I suggest you check out my videos “It’s About Time to Break the Spell” and “Weapons of Mass Deception”. In these videos I have CLEARLY demonstrated that the planes which supposedly went into the twin towers were holograms. Aluminum planes CANNOT fly … Read More

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