
Anonymous Announces Revenge on “Terrorists”

  I was just on CBN’s Facebook page and they are pushing the “Islamic terrorists” propaganda, big time. But what caught my eye was a video from the hacker/activist group “Anonymous”, in which Anonymous promises to take cyber-revenge on “…terrorists, claimed by yourself; The Islamic State.” As a Christian I’ve been on the … Read More

Paris Terror Attacks: Executed To Lock Down Climate Summit Conference

  It’s important we take notice of how the “attacks” in Paris were conveniently timed in relation to the COP21 (the ’21st Conference of the Parties’), aka, the annual meeting of “all countries that want to take action for the climate” in Le Bourget, France, from 11/30 to 12/11/2015. The … Read More

COP21 climate marches in Paris not authorised following attacks

Guardian French government says demonstrations in closed spaces can go ahead but not those in public places  Environmental activists hoped 200,000 people would attend march but authorities are concerned about policing the streets. Photograph: Yann Korbi/Demotix/Corbis Major marches which had been planned to coincide with the COP21 international climate talks in … Read More

Gender Chaos Is Driving the Young Insane

(above – Miley Cyrus) Western society is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati.  In a satanic cult, unnatural is natural and sick is healthy. The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) war on gender has produced a  generation of people who have no identity as men or women.  When their sex appeal is gone, they will have … Read More

Terror is Longterm Zionist Strategy for World Domination

Israel’s policy of “covert aggression” has been reborn as false flag terror, and all Westerners are being put in the position of “persecuted” Jews.  “Our State marching along the path of  peaceful [i.e, world] conquest has the right to replace the horrors of war by less notable and more satisfactory sentences of death necessary … Read More

The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary

In this 90 minute documentary I have compiled and condensed all the most compelling video evidence that we are living on a motionless, flat Earth. Please take the time to do yourself and humanity a favor by watching this most important, mind-blowing and entertaining film! Please also like, share and … Read More

Paris: A Passport! How Handy!

  A Syrian passport is found next to the body of a suicide bomber who was just blown up. Seriously?! Ridiculous! It brings to mind the passport of one of the 9-11  “terrorists” that was “found on the sidewalk” in New York. Yeah, right! It’s hard to know how many … Read More

Paris: Most Terror is State-Sponsored: Gladio

Senseless tragic events such as those in Paris Friday must be seen in the context of a series of lethal terror bombings in Western Europe from 1950-1990. These criminal attacks  were carried out by many NATO country intelligence agencies who all serve the Illuminati.   The program, called “Operation Gladio,” created the illusion of a Communist terror threat, much … Read More

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