
‘Gray State’ Movie Writer/Director Found Dead! Wrote Martial Law – FEMA Camp Movie! Another Watchman Brought Down?

By Live Free Or Die – All News Pipeline A writer and director of the controversial ‘Police State’ – ‘Martial Law’ movie called “Gray State” has been found dead in an apparent murder/suicide along with his wife and 5-year old daughter according to this breaking news story. Screenwriter David Crowley, … Read More

Yet another cancer doctor admits fabricating false positives to profit from selling toxic chemotherapy

(NaturalNews) If you were to travel the world trying to search out the most insidious con artists, scammers, hucksters and quacks, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone worse than a pharma-centric oncology doctor. These are the highly-paid hucksters that poison people to death while pretending to sell them “treatment” for a … Read More

German Government, Leftists And ISIS Try To Destroy PEGIDA, Now Tens Of Thousands Of Germans Are Rallying In The Streets Carrying Crosses Even Israeli Flags And Ready To Fight Islam Last time PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West*)  tried to rally their troops, it was the police that stopped them claiming that threats from ISIS is a hazard for public safety.  And while PEGIDA is hated by many in the German government including Merkel, PEGIDA persisted to whom … Read More

‘CLIMATE CHAOS’ IN 2015: Strange Events/Apocalyptic Sounds Increasing Around The World (2014-15)

-Warning: Strange weather events increasing around the world 2015 something is going on extreme weather tornado strange boom mystery dust storm weather thunderstorms hail wind rain fire climate chaos floods waves uk storm of the century freeze lava snow blizzard sinkhole december 2014 end of earth 2014 earth changes world … Read More

OPENING PORTALS: Augmented Reality (HoloLens), Ingress, and Dark Matter Dimensions

 Face Like The Sun | Gonz With the new announcement of Microsoft’s augmented reality device, the HoloLens, we are on the verge of seeing the shift from interactive technology to augmented reality. Through the use of wearable devices, we will soon see what Google Chairman said, is the “disappearance of … Read More

“Aliens” of The Gaps?

While being interviewed by Ben Stein for his highly controversial documentary “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”, Richard Dawkins, the father of modern atheists and author of the mega-bestseller, The God Delusion, admits that he now believes that “Intelligent Design” is the reason for all creation. Addressing evolutionists’ immovable stand against the … Read More

UPDATE: Russia Cuts Europe Energy Supply Off; Petrodollar Abandoned As Currency War Escalates

Citing a report in UK’s Daily Mail; Zero Hedge, Infowars and Natural News had reported on natural gas deliveries through the Ukraine being stopped.  Upon further investigation, the story turned out to be inaccurate. Update/ Correction to this story. According to the Russian News Agency, TASS, Russia announced that it will stop … Read More

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