

HHA | 10/26/2014 This is a “MUST SEE” video! This powerful video explains the truth regarding Microwave weaponry and other exotic weapons (psychotronic, electromagnetic, Radio Frequency, HAARP, GWEN towers, ELF waves) used by The UNITED STATES & other Nations worldwide, leaving no doubt to all that is being used against … Read More

Government-enforced medical quarantines just went from ‘conspiracy theory’ to official policy in NJ and NY

HHA | 10/26/2014 (NaturalNews) The states of New York and New Jersey have leapfrogged federal guidelines and set up their own mandatory 21-day quarantine requirements for arriving passengers who had direct contact with Ebola patients in West Africa. “The patients with the highest level of possible exposure will be automatically … Read More

The Nightmarish Megacities of the Near Future

HHA | 10/26/2014 Dave Hodges | 27Aug, 2014 Six years ago, during the 2008 presidential campaign, I attended a Town Hall meeting sponsored by Republican and Presidential hopeful, Senator John McCain, where he was asked if he was opposed to the spread of the United Nations Agenda 21 policies throughout the … Read More

US Army Withheld Promise From Germany That Ebola Virus Wouldn’t Be Weaponized

HHA | 10/26/2014 High Government Official In Germany Seeks Washington’s Reassurance that the US DID NOT WEAPONIZE the Species of Ebola which Germany Made Available to Washington. Washington has not provided the reassurance. The arrogance and inhumanity of Washington is beyond comprehension. RT | October 20, 2014 US Army withheld promise from … Read More Drastic Population Reduction

HHA 10/26/2014 ANP With Obama Ebola ‘Czar’ Ron Klain now officially exposed as calling for ‘depopulation’ as an answer to the world’s biggest problems as shared in the 2nd video below, we have been emailed a tip that should help prove to all doubters that ‘the end is near’ as … Read More

Max Bliss talks about Chemtrails AKA GeoEngineering

HHA | 10/25/2014 I found this Max Bliss interview on another channel. There has been some considerable noise lately about one anti-“geoengineering” researcher/activist actually being part of the controlled opposition, and promoting the global warming hoax. Does this have anything to do with Max’s channel being shut down? From Max Bliss … Read More

William Cooper’s Chilling Revelations

HHA | 10/24/2014 (Before It’s News) William Cooper’s 1998 MajestyTwelve broadcast: One of the most frightening things you’ll ever hear. We are victims of an elaborate deception. The US is already a defacto fascist dictatorship run by masonic Satanists lurking behind a facade of freedom. The foundations for a totalitarian communist world … Read More

Holy Land’s Mount Hermon: A United Nation’s Base Built to Deliver the “Anti-Christ” and “Open the Gates of Hell”

HHA | 10/24/2014 (Before It’s News) | By Lyn Leahz “Jabal Haramun”; Hebrew: הר חרמון‎, Har Hermon, “Mount Hermon”) is a mountain cluster in the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon[1] and, at 2,814 m (9,232 ft) above sea level, is the highest point in Syria.[2] On the top there is “Hermon Hotel”, in thebuffer zone between Syria and Israeli-occupied territory, … Read More

Red Alert! Obama to Use Ebola Hype to Roll Out Checkpoints?

HHA | 10/23/2014 Vine Of Life Leaker Speaks! Also Will Obama Cancel Elections Due to Ebola Fulfilling the Eerie Prophecy of Glenda Jackson? Jaw-Dropping Videos! World Net Daily columnist Mychal  Massie, wrote that Ben Carson, a likely GOP presidential candidate, was right to be worried about the 2016 elections, warning that Obama wants … Read More

Christian, Patriot Roundup Right Around the Corner or Already Here?

HHA | 10/23/2014 Vine Of Life As the chaos ensues globally, the elite are preparing for our indefinite interment and gun confiscations. If you don’t conform with the regime, you will be instantly interred and more than likely questioned, tortured, and whatever else they deem necessary. If you are a Christian, gun owner, … Read More

Obama Signals the Apocalypse

HHA | 10/21/2014 I’m sure most of you have seen the above photograph from May of this year, but it continues to come up in conversation in light of the increasingly disturbing events unfolding around us. so I thought I’d post Tribulation Now’s article about it. The photograph was presented by … Read More

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