
Revivals Pt 19: The Counterfeit “Enlightenment” Pt4: Secret Societies: The Earthly Power of Heathendom

Without a correct interpretation of the book of Revelation, we’ve been kept unaware of the Secret Societies now exposed behind the scenes of politics, economics and religion. If we’d been aware, they would never have been able to infiltrate the church. But infiltrate they have, and twisting the meaning of … Read More

Revivals Pt 8 | From Wesley to Finney by way of Count Zinzendorf

While I was looking for a segue between John Wesley and Charles Finney, I discovered that I’d neglected to look deeply enough into Wesley’s “Holy Club” and his significant association with the Moravians and Nikolaus Ludwig, Count von Zinzendorf. This article will examine Zinzendorf’s secret society membership, his heretical doctrines, … Read More

Technology, Naturalism & Spell Casting

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal “We shall, unlike Archimedes, need neither fulcrum or lever, but we shall move the world.” – HP Blavatsky Fulcrum: the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns in moving a body. any prop or support. Zoology. any of various structures in an animal … Read More

Paradise, CA Commemorated on MARS?

It’s still unclear exactly what technology produced the Paradise Fire, but I don’t think there are many people who accept the official story, and this recent announcement by NASA seems to confirm that the catastrophic fire was not only a public ritual, but a very significant public ritual. We know, … Read More

Eurovision 2019 Finale and the Occult Meaning of Madonna’s Controversial Performance

The blatant parade of evil marches on. This happened two days ago at the finale of the Eurovision concert.  May 22, 2019  Vigilant Citizen  Eurovision is an annual international song competition with participants representing primarily European countries. The show has been broadcasting every year since 1956 and is one of the … Read More

The Manufactured “Christian” vs. Muslim Crisis

Muslim and “Christians” are being pitted against each other through the manufactured migration crisis. The simultaneous burning of Notre Dame and Al-Aqsa mosque were RITUAL SACRIFICES symbolizing the intended mutual destruction of the two great religions. Friends, while the Catholic church being used to symbolize Christianity, it is not Christianity. … Read More

Are Freemasons / Zionists Posing as Christian Prophecy Experts/Truthers?

UPDATED 4-1-2019 The Scofield’s Bible has made a massive impact on what is taught in Theological Seminaries and played a major part in the church’s indiscriminate support of the modern day state of Israel. Many of the well known “Christian Truthers and Prophecy Experts” are also outspokenly supportive of Israel. … Read More

Behind Secret Societies by Walter Veith – Flat Earth Research

Links to download the Study Guide for this lecture.…… Much has been written on secret societies and there are numerous speculations as to which powers control them. The nature of secrecy is such that the real power behind the power should remain exactly that-Secret. In this lecture, … Read More

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