
Disinformation In The Churches

Yvonne Nachtigal | HHA “Climate Change” Alarm continues to be filtered down to our churches from several sources, such as the World Council of Churches and the EEN (Evangelical Environmental Network), Southern Baptist Creation Care and others, and has been proven [- see below] to be funded through grants by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF).  The UN … Read More

The level of deception that surrounds the issue of climate change is absolutely monumental!!

by Greg Pallen “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations 1978:  Stephen Schneider, Atmospheric Scientist tells … Read More

Geoengineering Documents 1966 US Government document Outlining National Weather Modification Programs and Implications H.R.2977 Space Preservation Act of 2001  [pdf – in the event that the link doesn’t work] |  or H.R. 2977 live link  – This is a MUST READ (See section 7 Definitions: 2A and 2B) Active Perturbation of the Near Earth Space … Read More

Boeing Patents Microwave Forcefield — Scalar 101 — 21st century technology rollout

Dutchsinse / Tatoot Boeing patents new instantly forming microwave force field which stops explosive blasts from hitting targets! Quote the article from Cnet: “A new patent granted to aircraft, defense and security company Boeing is taking its cues from science fiction. Just like the glowing energy shields seen protecting troops, machines and even … Read More

What in the World is Going On? Discussion w/ Gonz Shimura “Age Of Deceit II”

What is going on? Chemtrails, Directed Energy Weapons, GMO, Mind Control, Military Buildups – what’s it all about? Here is a very good interview with Gonz Shimura talking about his films, Age Of Deceit I & II (links to both films in the sidebar of this site), which show us … Read More

The FEAR of Climate Change and One World Government

Published on Jan 25, 2015 The REAL reason for chemtrails (induced contrails)… 1772 It may be thought that a real history of the weather modification began in 1772 when the Bavarian Academy of Sciences declared a prize for any successful way to change weather according to a human need.… 1872 … Read More

Weather Channel / Monsanto Join Hands

HHA | 12/7/2014 Minutiae | 3/23/2014 | amunaor Secret Face of the Weather Channel The Weather Channel, has become an overt Public Relations Firm for GeoEngineering – Weather Modification. The Weather Channel is now in bed with Monsanto: The Weather Channel Interactive and Monsanto Announce New Agriculture News & Forecast Web Site But why … Read More

Impending Arctic Blast

HHA | 11/9/2014 “The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.” Isaiah 24:19 Well, they’re at it again; manipulating the weather to cause more fear and devastation. Last year we had the “Polar Vortex”. This year we’re being treated to “BomboGenesis”…(Seriously?)  Most … Read More

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