

(Photo courtesy of Dan Dapper) WND, having been shown many times over to be “controlled truth”, is pulling back the covers on geoengineering. Interesting timing in light of the upcoming Climate Conferences (Dec 2015) in Paris. Chuck Norris | WND | Nov 1, 2015 Exclusive: Chuck Norris questions government ‘gag orders’ on … Read More

Monumental Air Test Planned to Examine Geoengineering

  Scientist along with e pilots set out to test Chemtrails phenomenon, all while breaking a few world records in the process. LOS ANGELES Nov. 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/ Potentially the most difficult environmental test in history is about to take place. World renowned scientist Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, along with … Read More

Lithium and the Experiment over Oregon

September 28, 2015 | From The Trenches | Ann Fillmore, PhD In January 2015, I began receiving reports by email, telephone and over Facebook of very specific symptoms from very specific locations under very specific spraying activity throughout Oregon. From my experience as a counselor, having had to do an internship for … Read More

PROOF of Hurricane Control, Bahamas, Bermuda, oct 2015

This is an amazing video! It shows ABSOLUTE PROOF, of Hurricane control, using the classified Ionospheric Heater technology. Hurricane Joaquin was deliberately steered into the Bahamas, and then, to Bermuda. These island nations are not paying the Wall Street gangsters their Hurricane protection money, so the corrupt US Military commanders … Read More

The Vatican and the Pre Flood World – Timothy Alberino

UPDATE 6/17/2016 Upon uncovering the fallacy of Dispensationalism, founded by Freemason, John Nelson Darby (see the second section of my video ) I now agree with Herescope’s Gaylene Goodroad on her assessment of the pre-flood world. See:, specifically that the Nephilim were not the result of a sexual union between man and … Read More

A Simple Medical Procedure

 Yvonne Nachtigal | His Heavenly Armies | Originally posted April 18, 2015 A friend recently told me that she left her church because the pastor had preached a sermon against abortion. “Yvonne, I’m a liberal,” she said, “I won’t go to a church that gets involved in politics. Pastors need … Read More

Prepping With An Eternal Perspective

Chemtrails the Big Picture | by Yvonne Nachtigal The apostle Peter wrote that Satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking who he might devour, and Satan is ‘roaring’ all over the internet today. We are on information overload, with news of an economic collapse, the destruction of America, GMO’s, chemtrails, … Read More

Open Letter From Paris Climate Change Conference Participant Sounds The Alarm

Upcoming Global Climate Change Agreement Completely Ignores Geoengineering, Precursor Of Oppressive One World Government Activist Michael Murphy Warns About Draconian Climate Change Legislation In The Works State of the Nation SOTN Editor’s Note A highly consequential global climate change conference recently took place in Paris, France.  Several concerned activists, including activist … Read More

Sierra Mountains California

  The photographs below were taken on June 17th, 2015 in the  Sierra Nevada mountains, in California, where the sky was once a beautiful sapphire blue. It also looked horrendous from space: And nobody sees a thing. Nobody notices anything unusual. Young people have never known the sky to look any … Read More

Microchipping the human race?

This is from last year, (March 2014). This video is posted elsewhere on the site, but apparently many didn’t see it so I’m re-posting. Former Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) director and now Google Executive, Regina E. Dugan, has unveiled a super small, ingestible microchip that we can all be expected to … Read More

Geoengineering, Fukushima radiation, & the Transhumanist Agenda

By Alfred Lambremont Webre 1. Geoengineering is the use of environmental warfare technology (principally the HAARP/chemtrails weapon of mass destruction) to terraform Earth and implement the Transhumanist Agenda VIDEO: HAARP-Chemtrails WMD Exposing a Spiritual Mass Mind-control and Planetary Assault                 with Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE: ARTICLE:   2. The … Read More

Moret & Battis: Jesuits behind 1979 Iranian crisis and 2015 Jade Helm to destroy US constitution

While their spiritual views are seem to be of Oneism/New Age, these are two brilliant people and this is informative. This gets real interesting at minute marker 49 or so, with Laurens Battis discussing the long time history of the great plan to subjugate the human race. Also interesting is … Read More

The Trouble With the Truth Movement

Ever wonder why the first “truthers” – like Fritz Springmeier and Bill Cooper – ended up in prison or dead, but today, David Icke, Freeman Fry and every third person on Facebook is urging people to “wake up” about the same things and we’re pretty much left alone? There are … Read More

UPDATE: CERN, Apollyon, Gateways, Book Of Revelation…

UPDATE September 14, 2016 – Since the posting of this article I’ve become convinced that SkywatchTV, and the “prophecy experts” of our time are part of the end times script, founded on “Dispensationalism” / “Futurist” eschatology.  Please see my video “Chemtrails A Christian Perspective” for more on the “end times script.” We … Read More

CONned By The Trails?

Global MARCH Against Chemtrails and Geoengeneering Are you Still Being CONned By The Trails? #LookUp#GetMad @ #ClimateEngineering Then you will understand Why this film is so important for you to share with every one you know today. Climate change treaties and legislation will, if passed by the end of this year, lead to global … Read More

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