
Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead… Or Not | In Case You Haven’t Read Enough About The Georgia Guidestones

Amazing. Within a few short days the entire world knows about CERN and the Georgia Guidestones. Wikipedia was a little too quick in getting the news up, an,d as Joachim Bartoll points out, there are simply too many things pointing to this being a planned event. While everyone is celebrating … Read More

The Great CERN Witchcraft “Psyop”

I agree with Hugo 100% on this. CERN is NOT a piece of equipment that’s doing what they claim. It is NOT something that will change the weather, produce earthquakes or shred the “universe.” They already have the technology to alter weather patterns and create earthquakes. No, this is just … Read More

Christian Energy Healing?

I touched on this in my recent video about space, technology & the occult, but I want to address “energy healing” specifically, since there’s a rising interest in it among Christians. Alternate history is an increasingly popular topic of study in the “truth” community recently. It’s interesting to be sure. … Read More

Looking Back – Near Death Experience

As far as I know, I’m the only NDEr who’s come out publicly scrutinizing NDEs. (If you know of another one I’d love to meet them)! And yet, it was my illness and that powerful experience that spurred me to research the things I write and make videos about today. … Read More

Speculations on Hermeticism and World Collapse: From Darkness To Light

As I’ve covered in many articles; the Luciferian New Age is being presented as the coming “Millennial Reign” in Christian Futurist eschatology and anticipated as the “Golden Age of Aquarius” by New Agers. This is the endgame of all the turmoil/mind control we’re currently witnessing. Contrary to what conservatives believe … Read More

“Event 202” Monkey Biz

Here we go again. 🙄 Monkeypox was first identified in 1958, but there’s never been a “global” Monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa – until now! — And it came in the exact week of the exact month predicted by the “biosecurity” folks in their pandemic simulation. What are the chances? … Read More

Lyme: Cover-Up of a Silent Killer

As the world is consumed by fear of COVID and now Monkey Pox , this deadly disease is silently moving in the shadows destroying countless lives. Please take the time to watch this full length film. If it hasn’t yet affected you or someone you love personally, chances are it … Read More

Partial Truth That Leads to a False Light

“Awakening” has become a household word, but it has different meanings depending on who you’re talking to, so we need to be very discerning. This site has a lot of information about the World System and social engineering that has largely formed our worldview/paradigm/egregore. But the trouble is that the … Read More

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