
Predictive Programming Preparing Us For What’s To Come

We’re led to believe that television was created merely for our entertainment (and to make a little money for the producers of movie and television productions), but here are a few things to challenge that idea, including the idea that 9/11 was carried out by “terrorists”. These videos present examples of  definitive, blatant … Read More

The Stars Declare The Truth

Why is the flat earth topic attracting so much attention and so much disinformation? Is it, as I’ve been repeatedly told, just a “red herring”, a distraction from “real” and important issues facing us like chemtrails, GMO food, radiation, vaccines, the New World Order and Agenda 21? Certainly there are … Read More

Worldwide UV Radiation Index Off the Charts

Ultraviolet Light (UV) is radiated light from the Sun. Man-made toxicity through aerosol spraying, (used to control weather [see CHEMTRAILS category on this site for documentation], but the real agenda is much bigger), is turning our atmosphere into a “plasma” which is increasing UV to dangerous levels. We need to protect … Read More

The Normalising Of Autism | The Toxins That Threaten Our Brains

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” – Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) … Read More

“Even Hitler Did Not Use Chemical Weapons (On His Own People)” But The US Did (Does)

(above) American Government Chemical/Biological Attacks On Its Own Citizens, Waco 1993 The spectacle of the US manufacturing a gas attack by Al Assad was made all the more grotesque Tuesday when Sean Spicer said that “even Hitler did not use chemical weapons.” He meant on his own people. As a reader, Glen, … Read More

The Impacts of Vaccines: Aluminum, Autoimmunity, Autism & Alzheimer’s

The important article below focuses mainly on aluminum in vaccines, but aluminum in high quantities is also what’s being found in rain samples. More information about the detriment of heavy metals from “geoengineering” as well as vaccines can be found here. If Donald Trump is against vaccines because of autism, why … Read More

Hope For Autism! Detoxing Mercury, Aluminum, other Heavy Metals

There is hope for children with autism and ADD as well as for adults who suffer from heavy metal toxicity. Here is some information about detoxing heavy metals. In this video, Craniosacral therapist, Karen Thomas’ shares her personal story of helping her child recover from autism. You can read more on her … Read More

Strange New HAARP Pulses: Is Geoengineering The Judgment Of God?

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal (Revised 1-4-17)  I’ve been watching HAARP activity for years but I haven’t seen anything quite like this. Who knows what they’re up to now. For more information about exactly how HAARP works in conjuction with chemtrails, visit my HAARP category and page. But should we consider the results of whatever … Read More

Catholic Church Asks Priests To Preach About Climate Change

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal The catholic church has offered new guidelines for priests, suggesting they have a good understanding of the “global climate change problem” and that they share this “understanding” with their congregations. The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which advises the pope on matters of science, has concluded, along with the Rockefeller-owned … Read More

Trumpet Sound in the Sky Over Jerusalem

October 1, 2016 Folks, please don’t be impressed that anything supernatural is going on here! There have been strange cloud and sound occurrences happening for years now and none of it has been supernatural. This is easily created by technologies that we know about. Just go to my page on HAARP … Read More

Is the ‘Mark of the Beast’ Literal?

HHA “What is the Mark of the Beast?”… “Don’t receive the Mark!” “Microchips are the Mark!” “Vaccines are the Mark!” … Popular “End Times” prophecy teachers are leading people to be worried about taking the “mark of the beast” as well as ‘the Mark’s’ possible connection to Transhumanism. The speculation … Read More

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