
NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-Borne Lithium & Other Chemicals

NASA admits to spraying Air-borne Lithium and other lethal chemicals into the atmosphere. From 2016  NASA personnel say that lithium, along with other potentially harmful chemicals, are intentionally sprayed into our environment regularly. reports: NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals There’s the official explanation for … Read More


In this 2016 article, Ryan Christian shows that the government has admitted their intent to modify the weather. While that’s a far cry from disclosing the full agenda behind chemtrails, it effectively dispels the “conspiracy theory” label. Still, the average person continues to find it unthinkable that the government would … Read More

Sacred Names | Deception in the Christian Truth Movement

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal | Edited 4/1/18* “Divine Names: Like Holy Keys. Kabbalah reveals that the entire Torah is dependant upon G-d’s Names. Your enthusiasm is far greater than your question… You, my brother and soul mate, have asked me to show you the pathway to the Names of the … Read More

Geoengineering “Truth” Movement – A Mixed Bag

The very term “Geoengineering” assumes that we live on a globe orbiting a distant radiation-emitting sun from which we need to be protected. In yet another example of Hegel’s dialectic, the following article from Technocracy News offers a battle between “evil  Scientists” on the one hand and their more truthful counterparts (the ones who acknowledge the spraying frenzy in the … Read More

FLU Epidemics Delivered by Aircraft a Justified Public Health Concern

“No long waiting lines for the shot.” I was honestly a bit startled when a friend recently, quite casually asked me if I’d gotten a flu shot. But most Americans still innocently believe these things are safe and might actually protect them from getting the flu. Harold Saive recently put together … Read More


A friend recently sent me a link to a (yet another) new book about near death experiences (NDE’s): “God and the Afterlife” by Jeffrey Long. I wasn’t surprised to find that it offers the same misleading perspective on NDE’s that I’ve encountered almost exclusively . My near death experience is … Read More

Congress Holds Hearings on Weather Manipulation

The lies facilitated by heliocentricism are unending. Here’s some congressional clownery about “mitigating human caused climate change” and “protecting us” from that great big star 93,000,000 miles away. The bright side is that chemtrails aren’t just a “conspiracy theory” anymore.  Aircrap Weather modification just jumped from “chemtrail” conspiracy theory into mainstream reality, as … Read More

California Fires – Insurance Companies Know About Weather – Electro-Magnetic Weapons

According to Aircrap writer, questions about directed energy weapons causing the bizarre California fires may be only the beginning of woes. Noting that: When in Tampa (1990’s) they constructed a food irradiation plant over sink holes 25 miles east of my home.  When looking at my home insurance policy, radiation damage … Read More

The NAMES of the 8 Biggest Threats To Humanity

Who are the men behind the lust, greed and murder in the name of a “New World Order”? Who is orchestrating the poisonings and mass murder represented by chemtrails, vaccines, EMFs, GMOs, catastrophic weather events, spiritual, economic and political deception and agenda? The men referred to in Rev 18:9-16(?) A few on this list have … Read More

Michio Kaku Describes how “Trillion Watt Lasers” Can Modify The Weather in CBS Interview

During an interview with CBS in Feb 2014, Michio Kaku described how “trillion watt lasers” can modify the weather. Transcribed here are Kaku’s words only, the entire video is posted below. (Anchor) Lasers? Really? To change the weather? Kaku: That’s right, well as Mark Twain famously said, “everyone complains about the … Read More

Super Storms and Weather Control

“Super Storms” like Cindy are not a naturally occurring phenomenon. These devastating weather events are man-made. For evidence to support that statement you need only go to the “documents” and “patents” pages on this site and browse through the articles on geoengineering. Please watch the videos below and get informed if … Read More

Trump | Climate Change – Where Is Honest Journalism Amidst False Climate Change Propaganda? With predictions of economic and environmental doom resulting from Donald Trump’s decision to opt out of the Paris Climate Change agreement, media continues to present man-made “Climate Change” as “Undisputed” while the elephant in the room continues to be currently ongoing geoengineering programs, the single greatest cause of severe weather and “man-made” climate … Read More

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