
Happy Resurrection Day!

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important event in Christiandom. If Jesus Christ did not rise from the grave then we should be pitied of all people. Paul says, And if the Messiah has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More … Read More

KOSMIC SUBVERSION – (A race that launched a thousand scripts…)

Subversion refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed in an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms. – Wikipedia Still think cosmology isn’t important? The Truth Is Stranger … Read More

Australian WEAPONISED Rain “BOMB” From Hell Leaves 100’s Dead and Continues…

While the media churns out Wag the Dog theater and silly Grammy’s antics, things are far worse in Australia than they are letting anyone know. “Jayne,” who lives in Australia, left this desperate comment on there’s nothing new: “(For those who cold give a ****.) Been sick after being in … Read More

Thoughts On The Ukraine “War” Psyop & Controlled Opposition

All the world’s a stage and those in power want your focus on their carnal world theater. They want you to take sides. Divide and conquer – Order out of Chaos. In Canada, truckers (and their supporters) are still suffering the aftermath of their great protest. Like the dictator he … Read More

Queensland Devastated By Floods To Advance “Climate Change” Agenda

As the MSM “Wags the Dog” with its Russia and Ukraine narratives, it is all but silent about the horrific flooding in Queensland. –> Amazing Images & Videos from the Queensland Floods <– Like the nightmarish fires Australia suffered only last summer, this reeks of weather warfare. Thank you Eric … Read More

BLIND HORIZONS, BROKEN HEARTS… [some thoughts on 2021, and beyond]

From The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction 2001: A Space Odyssey — Dr Heywood Floyd Moon Base Briefing Innovative silicone nanochip can reprogram biological tissue in living body (w/video) –

The Convoy, Engineered Social Divisions & The Church

Updated 2/8/22 Downplayed by the MSM and celebrated by millions opposed to medical tyranny, the Canadian trucker’s Convoy is making a clear statement to government officials: The people have had enough! But the question is, will authorities be swayed or has this been part of their plan from the beginning? … Read More

Serpents Everywhere Part 3: Antarctic Melting, “Doomsday Glacier” & Doorways to an Occult Worldview

In Antarctica: A Closed System and a Very Deep Rabbit Hole, Paul Zietsman argues that the purpose of geoengineering is to delay the melting of the lake of fire (which he believes is located under West Antarctica) until the Fallen Angels can find a way “to deal with God.” He … Read More

“Vaccine” is Graphene Nanotech

Jan 10, 2022 CORRECTION: La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) is controlled opposition. Here’s why. The video below doesn’t mention mRNA or the “Spike Protein” and leads us to believe that only graphene oxide is in the shots. Meanwhile we’ve seen that all the doctors and enlighteners from the “truther” … Read More

History Repeated – Eerie Similarities Between Pre-WWII Nazi Germany Laws And COVID Pandemic Laws

So, this video from Israel was posted on Twitter yesterday (Jan 4, 2022) I find it interesting that the video has been allowed to remain on Youtube for a full day. Just more evidence of their deliberate division and desired uprising. Still, the video is very disturbing. We Are Witnessing … Read More

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