
Ray Comfort Raising Money For New Film On Homosexuality

HHA Christian evangelist Ray Comfort plans to release a movie next year that will address the controversial topic of homosexuality from a biblical perspective. Ray Comfort, founder of the apologetics ministry Living Waters, has produced a number of film projects in recent years, including the phenomenally successful abortion documentary “180.” … Read More

Cursillo Weekends – Tres Dias / Walk to Emaus / Teens Encounter Christ(TEC) / De Colores…

Yvonne Nachtigal | HHA These weekends go by various names but are all basically the same theme: Walk to Emmaus, Via de Cristo, Tres Dias, De Colores, Teens Encounter Christ (TEC), Chrysalis, Kairos, Great Banquet, Dias con Cristo, Celebration, Challenge, Vocare, Tirosh, Chayah, Unidos en Cristo, Chrysalis, Alarga, The Journey, … Read More

What Must I do to be Saved?

Eternal life is available to anyone who calls on the name of the Lord! You know there is an almighty creator. You long to know Him. But how? Thankfully, the true gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple that a child can understand it. Acknowledge your sin. The Bible tells … Read More

RE: Open Letter To Evangelical and Protestant Pastors Worldwide Now is the Day to Turn Back to God’s Word

Commentary by Roger Oakland From: Roger Oakland, Understand The Times The following letter is to all Bible-believing pastors throughout the world who have been or are being influenced by current trends that are attacking the Word of God through the postmodern humanistic mystical belief system. I have witnessed this deception … Read More

In Depth Study Of Our Spiritual Enemy | The Christian “Forbidden Mountain”

Here is a segment from an article by Scott Johnson. The full article is about unrecognized infiltration of occult into the church. Scott makes some excellent points about the need to for believers not to be naive about the workings and symbolism of the enemy today. Scott Johnson | Contendingfortruth … Read More

The Illuminati Fire & Ice Challenges: ‘Purifying’ Ritual Before A Human Sacrifice?

What if I told you that the good gesture sweeping across America called the “Ice Bucket Challenge” is actually a large ‘Ritual Purification Cleansing’ preparing for the Largest Human Sacrifice in History to usher in the Beast System? What if I told you the latest Fire and Ice Challenges are … Read More

How Can We Engage In A Battle That We Don’t Understand?

Yvonne Nachtigal | CO | Updated 9/20/2018 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge I will also reject thee” – Hosea 4:6 Most Christians today are largely unaware of the literal battle that we are engaged in. I say that from first hand experience because … Read More

Rick Wiles – ‘Now’s The Time That These Events Are Coming To Pass’ – TruNews With John Shorey On “Set The Trumpet To Thy Mouth Vision”

(Before It’s News) By Susan Duclos “America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America — and this nation will be no more.” The quote is the first paragraph, chapter one from a … Read More

It’s Not Just A Movie

Eternity is Not a Movie Original article found here: By Flynn Huseby As a child, I remember watching movies with my parents, often waiting for the moment my dad would call out some part that made no sense to him. “Why would that person really do that?” or “There’s no way … Read More

Revelation 3:10-13

Revelation 3:10-13 King James Version (KJV) 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, … Read More

The Historical Jesus

Logos Apologia | Chris Putnam Contrary to the contentions of some modern skeptics, there is quite a bit of evidence for Jesus as a historical figure. The New Testament documents are the best evidence. However, many skeptics would charge the believer of “using the Bible to prove the Bible.” In … Read More

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