
An After School Satan Club Could Be Coming to your Kid’s Elementary School

By Katherine Stewart July 30 Doug Mesner, who goes by the professional name Lucien Greaves, is co-founder and spokesman for the Satanic Temple, a group of political activists who are seeking to establish After School Satan Clubs as a counterpart to fundamentalist Christian Good News Clubs, which they see as an attempt … Read More

A Threat To All Humanity

By Chuck Baldwin  | July 28, 2016 When it comes to constitutional government, the whole left-right, conservative-liberal, Republican-Democrat, even Christian-secular paradigms are, for the most part, an illusion. Over most of the last century, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and Christians and secularists have collectively jettisoned constitutional government in favor of … Read More

The Indoctrination Of Our Children Into The “Climate Change” Agenda

This is nothing less than Hitler’s youth all over again. The indoctrination of children has long been used as a means of engineering social change toward dictatorship. This is as blatant as it is disturbing. [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0 or 1″] “For all David Suzuki’s folksy rhetoric and supposed … Read More

Brexit- What is the Hidden Globalist Game?

(Updated 6-28-2016 Click on this image for another, extensive article about Brexit. ) (Grandfather of Polly Toynbee expressing contempt for democracy,transparency and sovereignty. Polly is the Guardian journalist who  was quickest off the mark to link Jo Cox’s murder to the implied bigotry of the Leave campaign) Boris Johnson’s stepmother Jenny, … Read More

“THE PULSE” Gay Club In “PET GOAT” 4 Years Ago! Orlando Mass Shooting

You can’t make this stuff up! For those who think that we who see the Florida nightclub shooting as a “false flag” event are insensitive and awful, maybe this video will get you thinking twice. What this video creator reveals here seems to indicate that the nightclub shooting is highly … Read More

Former Hillsong Worship ‘Pastor’ Darlene Zschech Leading Followers to Rome

NTEB | Geoffrey Grider DARLENE ZSCHECH IS A PROMINENT VOICE IN THE CONTEMPORARY PRAISE MOVEMENT “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” 2 Corinthians 6:17 (KJV) Darlene Zschech started out as a  “worship pastor” at Hills Christian Life Centre, … Read More

RITUAL MAGIC IN ORLANDO – Truth About #ChristinaGrimmie – #OrlandoUnited – NWO

  Why does the band that #ChristinaGrimmie performed with right before her murder display and Alchemical symbol of phosphorus, or Lucifer? Could it be because her death and the massacre in Orlando is part of a grand satanic cosmic conspiracy? And how will the elite use these events to push their New … Read More

The Orlando Nightclub Shooting & the Media-Government Alliance

The government and media act as one. The whole media spectacle drove home the narrative that Islam and ISIS are anti-gay, and therefore anyone who questions homosexuality becoming the societal norm is a terrorist. Call it the “Homocaust.” All innocent victims are necessarily “good.” Henry Makow (left, Omar Mateen, alleged assassin)  The … Read More

Florida Shooting – It’s Not Just About Gun Control: A Deeper Look at The Gay Rights Agenda

 (above – homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky) In yet another example of how the controlled media carries out and reports a scripted event to manipulate public opinion in support of their twisted agendas, we have another mass shooting (by a ‘lone gunman’ of course) in a gay bar in Florida to further gun … Read More

Chemtrail Video Producer’s “Dream” – (Voice to Skull?) One Month Before Near Fatal Car Accident

Doug Diamond is the producer of the Chemtrail awareness DVD that contains my video “Chemtrails a Christian Perspective.” This is his interview with Dr Rima about a dream he had on March 11, 2016, one month, to the day, before his car “accident” on April 11th in which he was severely … Read More

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