
Joe Hagmann Passes Away at 36

I had the honor of meeting Doug and Joe Hagmann in 2013. My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out for Doug and his family. This is a rush transcript from “The Hagmann Report,” July 1, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. DOUGLAS … Read More

BIN Article about Arch of Palmyra / New World Order, Idolatry and Quantum Physics Brings More Chaos/Deception

This is a very informative article even though it comes from a site run by Talmudic Zionists. Kabbalah is the source of Talmudic Judaism and virtually all occult religion, yet the author purports to “expose” the occult behind Palmyra and CERN. This also builds on yesterday’s (lengthy) post about Alexander Dugin, … Read More

Paradise, CA Commemorated on MARS?

It’s still unclear exactly what technology produced the Paradise Fire, but I don’t think there are many people who accept the official story, and this recent announcement by NASA seems to confirm that the catastrophic fire was not only a public ritual, but a very significant public ritual. We know, … Read More

Couple Stabs Nine-Year-Old Boy To Death After “Gender Reassignment Surgery”

This report is a GLARING example of the publicly endorsed madness that is “gender choice.” It does not matter what a person does with their genitals, SCIENCE (which our society WORSHIPS) shows us that DNA DOES NOT CHANGE! Even by the world’s standards, the people pushing this agenda should be … Read More

Newly Released Amazon Patent Shows Just How Much Creepier Alexa Can Get

What could possibly go wrong? Science Alert A newly revealed patent application filed by Amazon is raising privacy concerns over an envisaged upgrade to the company’s smart speaker systems. This change would mean that, by default, the devices end up listening to and recording everything you say in their presence. … Read More

Flooding and Coming Food Shortages Deliberately Created with Weather Control Technology

Christian Observer | Yvonne Nachtigal Environmentalists want us to believe that the Catastrophic Flooding and extreme weather in the midwest, Canada and the rest of the world are a result of CO2/”human carbon footprint” caused “Climate Change.” The MSM is predicting that these scenes could be ‘The New Normal,’ but … Read More

200 ex-LGBT men, women rally to show freedom they’ve found in following Jesus

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 27, 2019, LifeSiteNews Ex-homosexual and ex-transgender men and women from around the country descended upon the Nation’s Capital this weekend for the Second Annual ‘Freedom March’ where they proclaimed the freedom they’ve found in abandoning homosexual and transgender practices. “Look at this! This is Amazing! They say … Read More

Eurovision 2019 Finale and the Occult Meaning of Madonna’s Controversial Performance

The blatant parade of evil marches on. This happened two days ago at the finale of the Eurovision concert.  May 22, 2019  Vigilant Citizen  Eurovision is an annual international song competition with participants representing primarily European countries. The show has been broadcasting every year since 1956 and is one of the … Read More

Notre Dame Burning Predicted in My Pet Goat II

In the occult, April 19th to May 1st is sacrifice season, which is important to know in light of recent news. First we saw the unveiling of the blasphemous “Holy Stairs.” April 15 a sacrifice for Passover was held in Jerusalem. This is the first time they sacrificed a single … Read More

My Open Letter To Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Et. Al – Pastor Chuck Baldwin

By Pastor Chuck Baldwin Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has announced that the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to begin conducting hearings next Tuesday, March 26, on Senate Bill 7, the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019—otherwise known as a national “red flag” gun confiscation bill. The bill … Read More

Noahide Laws of the AntiChrist & Hebrew Roots || Mini Documentary

This video is a MUST WATCH! Mike very clearly (and without fear mongering) explains how the Hebrew Roots movement was created to condition believers into accepting a world under Jewish-Talmudic Noahide Law. If you’ve noticed a distinct Judaizing in the church and wondered exactly what is going on, this video … Read More

“Disturbing Anti-Israel Trend In Christian Churches” Reported by Trumpet Online

They’re scrambling! On Feb 23, The Trumpet Online published an article, originally posted in Olive Tree Views, marking “A Disturbing Anti-Israel Trend in Christian Churches.” The article reports a marked decline in evangelical support for Israel and End Times teaching. In answering the decline, it points to a decline in … Read More

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