
The Targeting of Suzanne Maher: Treason & Torture By Those Elected To Protect

CO A few weeks ago I heard that Suzanne Maher, the founder of was being electronically targeted (TI) but didn’t know the details. Yesterday we were able to connect by phone. Known for her courageous activism, integrity and kind heart, Suzanne is a highly visible personality in the worldwide effort to … Read More

Bone-Chilling Footage From Inside China Shows Raw Reality of Enslavement Tacitly Supported by Big Tech

Old-Thinker News | Aug. 27, 2018 By Daniel Taylor Chinese man describes the horror as best he can: “They’re eating our flesh and drinking our blood“. This is the system that big tech companies are bowing to. Apple and Google have created a dangerous precedent for both business and press … Read More

After Banning Alex Jones, Tech Giants Push to Ban “Climate Deniers”

(Natural News) (abridged) The great social media purge of 2018 is showing no signs of slowing down: Now that Alex Jones has been banned, the left-wing is on a power trip — and they’re already demanding more censorship. Media Matters, a left-wing organization funded by George Soros, has already stepped … Read More

World On Fire ~ Greece Attacked With Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)

It seems like the whole world is on fire and, as we’d expect, media is presenting it as ‘normal’, telling us that “climate change” as the culprit. But what’s actually happening is spelled out in the document: “Air Force 2025: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” … Read More

“Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas” in Palo Alto & Agenda 21

Hats off to the residents of Palo Alto and their heroic efforts to fight for their community and this crime against humanity. The time has come to stop quibbling over whether or not wireless radiation causes cancer (spoiler alert: it does) and start looking at the agenda behind these technologies. … Read More

World Health Organization Says Transgender Identity No Longer a “Mental Health Disorder” – But Playing Too Many Video Games Is!

More evidence of a godless society gone mad. *As a side note to this article, here is the currently high profile activist, Tommy Robinson interviewing a transgender journalist. Zionists are controlling the far-right opposition to the Zionist engineered invasion of Europe. They play both sides. Trumpet Onine The World Health Organization’s international … Read More

Berkeley City Council Rings in Agenda 21, Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ and Call for Population Control

Depopulation can no longer be called a conspiracy theory. Berkeley City Council puts their desire to “humanely stabilize population” on record. Need to Know | 6/14/2018 The Berkeley City Council unanimously voted in a plan for climate regulations and put on record their desire to “humanely stabilize population”, a euphemism … Read More

America Is ‘Committing Suicide’ By Allowing Transgenders in the Military

Russian Top Anchor Kiselvov offers a damning assessment of America’s decline into satanic debauchery. In this video exposé, a Russia’s top news Anchor reveals just how far Sodom-and-Gomorrah-on-the-Potomac have fallen. Full Transcript: Russia Today News | Russia’s Top Anchor Kiselyov: Recently, a soldier of the U.S. Army underwent a sex reassignment … Read More

Vatican Official to Attend Bilderberg Mtg. | Topics Include “Post Truth” World

Catholic News Agency reports that a Vatican official will be attending the Bilderberg meeting this year. But more interesting is the list of key topics for discussion this year, including the “post truth” world. Andrea Gagliarducci Jun 7, 2018 CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY Cardinal Pietro Parolin. (Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.) ROME – Cardinal Pietro … Read More

Syria: Bogus Chemical Attack and the Real Agenda

Not surprisingly, the “Gas attack” in Syria has been shown to be a hoax. #BREAKING 11-year-old #Syrian boy Hassan Diab who was shown in the video on the alleged chemical attack in #Douma Reveals that everything was staged by the #WhiteHelmets BBC LIES Exposed On #DoumaGasMassacre #DoumaProvocation — Nardeep … Read More

Syrian Envoy to UN says Trump Bombing of Syria Sends Message to Terrorists | Video Footage of Bombings

CO Apr 14, 2018 Reuters reports that 105 missiles were launched against Syria overnight in retaliation of the Syrian government use of chemical weapons against its own people. The first videos of the  bombings are coming out on Twitter (below.) But the official story just doesn’t make any sense. Why … Read More

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