
A Look at World Events Through Spiritual Eyes – They Plan To Change The Way You Live

By Cheryl Devine Tummalo [links and images added by CO] We read about ‘Spiritual Warfare’ often in the Word , but do we really believe it. Let’s look at what is taking place with ‘Spiritual Eyes’. I think you will find this intriguing to learn that the leaders of the … Read More

Two Life-Hostile Agendas: A Shift From COVID to Climate Change

Everyone is breathing a big sigh of relief since the Southwest Airlines pilots took their stand against mandatory vaccination and other agencies following suit. The great “virus” lie has served its purpose. Half the world is masked up, injected up with poison, the other half demonized for having pure blood … Read More

Patent Proves Vaxx is “Obedience” Training Platform | Digital Identity: The vision of the World Economic Forum

Read: The Vaccine Contains Your Barcode As Henry Makow writes, the stated Goals of The World Economic Forum also support the reality of this unprecedented monitoring. *For any who are unfamiliar with Henry Makow and are sensitive to his use of the term “Jew”: Makow is Jewish. The “Jews” he … Read More

La Porte Dell’Inferno (The Gate of Hell) Exhibition to Open in Rome on Oct 15, 2021

On October 15th, 2021, the same day Italy makes vaccine passports mandatory, La Porte dell’Inferno (The Gate of Hell) Exhibition will be opening at the Quirinal Palace in Rome. “The Gates of Hell (French: La Porte de l’Enfer) is a monumental sculptural group work by French artist Auguste Rodin that depicts a scene from … Read More

New York Times Announces Development of “mRNA Vaccines” To Protect Against the MIA Flu

The flu mysteriously disappeared last year as all illnesses were haphazardly tossed into the catch-all “COVID-19” diagnosis. Of course, the WHO and CDC had a different explanation for the disappearance. “Since the novel coronavirus began its global spread, influenza cases reported to the World Health Organization from the Northern and … Read More

The Elephant in the Room: There is No Virus

Since the earliest days of “COVID” hysteria, long before the toxic, unproven-to-help-fight-anything injection, the elephant in the room has been that: No virus has ever been isolated. (For those already asking “If there’s no virus why are people getting sick and dying?” you might want to Read this first.) They’ve … Read More

Testimonies of the Vaccine Injured

I’ve personally spoken with several health workers now who are painfully aware of the adverse health effects of the COVID-19 vaccinations, but they are not being reported on liberal controlled media nor by authorities. This past week I was in a college Zoom class where the professor began promoting the … Read More

FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony of COVID-19 Vaccines Killing People | Project Veritas Whistleblowers

There are NO studies proving the safety of the COVID-19 “vaccine.” The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting on September 17, 2021 to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 “booster shot.” Surprisingly, the FDA allowed dissenting doctors to comment during the open session. The committee voted 16 to 2 … Read More

Worldwide Protests Against the Vaccine Passport Escalating

Don’t let the relative quiet in the U.S. fool you into thinking that everyone is compliantly rolling up their sleeve to get their “COVID vaccine.” Protests against these mandated injections continue and are escalating all over the world. Last month saw this peaceful picnic protest outside restaurants requiring the vax … Read More

Genocide of Seniors Continues as FDA and CDC Recommend 3rd Booster Shot to Age Group with Highest Amount of Deaths following COVID-19 Shots

Originally posted by Brian Shilhavy on Health Impact News | Sept 24, 2021 Last Friday an FDA vaccine advisory committee voted 16 to 2 against authorizing a 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 “booster” shot. And yet inexplicably, they later took a second vote among the same committee members to authorize a 3rd Pfizer booster … Read More

Natural Homemade Hydroxychloroquine

Thought I’d share this real quick. I’ve been making this natural form of hydroxychloroquine at home and taking 2 Tbsp twice a day for a couple months now. Quick and easy. Another Youtuber recommends washing the fruit with water and vinegar before peeling to get any chemicals etc. off of … Read More

Canada Shop Makes the News For Denying Service to Fully Vaccinated “Shopper”

Christian health advocate Tony Pantalleresco made the News in Windsor when he refused service to fully-vaccinated Anastasia Tamakas. The story smells like a set-up to me though. I mean, why would Tamakas would even want to enter an alternative health store? Tony Pantalleresco is well known in the Truth community … Read More

LUDOVIC = COVIDLU | More Predictive Programming from I Pet Goat 2

Maybe you’ve seen this pointed out elsewhere but I hadn’t until today. This video creator found some interesting details in I Pet Goat 2, beginning with the character “Ludovic.” LUDOVIC = COVIDLU Notice that the serpent has completely invaded, (consumed?) replaced the mind of the fractured, sickly character. UL = … Read More

More Info on Nanotech/Graphene/Young People Dying After “Vax” | But God!

What is self assembling BioNanoTech? (I’ve also added much of this information to my Magnetized! post.)  Carbon nanotubes in a dish assemble themselves into a nanowire in seconds under the influence of a custom-built Tesla coil created by scientists at Rice University. Stew Peters With Karen Kingston – Former Pfizer … Read More

CDC Planning “Green Zone” Relocation Camps For People At “High Risk” For The Coronavirus

The other day a friend emailed me a link to the CDC document referred to below. I remembered I’d actually seen it last year but it got lost in the sea of information. Chuck Baldwin has taken the time to break the document down to the key points. Now, I … Read More

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