
Cursillo Weekends – Tres Dias / Walk to Emaus / Teens Encounter Christ(TEC) / De Colores…

Yvonne Nachtigal | HHA These weekends go by various names but are all basically the same theme: Walk to Emmaus, Via de Cristo, Tres Dias, De Colores, Teens Encounter Christ (TEC), Chrysalis, Kairos, Great Banquet, Dias con Cristo, Celebration, Challenge, Vocare, Tirosh, Chayah, Unidos en Cristo, Chrysalis, Alarga, The Journey, … Read More

The Roots of the Emergent Church Movement

HHA – 9/6/14 “When the Catholic blueprint for false ecumenism appears in Evangelical circles, it is time to sound the alarm. The Emerging Church movement has become such a toxic and dangerous threat at the present time that I see it will take three articles to analyze it. In this first article I will deal … Read More

RE: Open Letter To Evangelical and Protestant Pastors Worldwide Now is the Day to Turn Back to God’s Word

Commentary by Roger Oakland From: Roger Oakland, Understand The Times The following letter is to all Bible-believing pastors throughout the world who have been or are being influenced by current trends that are attacking the Word of God through the postmodern humanistic mystical belief system. I have witnessed this deception … Read More

Why is Kent Hovind in Jail? Evolution vs Creationism

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to Wikipedia, since January 2007, Kent Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. He is incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institution at Montgomery, … Read More

What is The New Age Movement?

Names: Higher Consciousness Movement, the Human potential or development, New thought, Eastern Mysticism, Eastern Spirituality, Enlightenment, paradigm shift, Occultism, Ancient Wisdom, Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian Conspiracy Is a planned influence that affects our education system (GOALS 2000) our work places and the way we do business. It is to … Read More

Tres Dias Part 2

HHA Part Two / Tres Dias: About Tres Dias Source Tres Dias seems to be another […] device developed to support the Catholic Church’s ecumenical activities. […]“Holy language” notwithstanding; it is unbiblical and, therefore, draws the gullible and easily bamboozled away from sound biblical doctrine and toward the heretical teachings of … Read More

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