
Judaized Christianity: Front for New World Order — Sen. McCarth

CO Henry Makow | August 25, 2018 A year before his death, Sen. Joseph McCarthy made the connection between Freemasonry, Communism, and Judaism. He cited British General Charles Cornwallis 1781 prophecy of the Masonic (Communist) takeover of America. “Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world … Read More

Christian Zionism: The Tragedy and The Turning

CO This is a “must see” to understand why Christian Zionists (Judeo-Christians, Dispensationalists) support war in the Middle East to protect Israel. Learn how Cyrus I. Scofield’s reference Bible has been used to promote Christian Zionism throughout evangelical seminaries and into evangelical churches for over a hundred years. Christian Zionism: … Read More

Mind Control, The Globe, and Quantum Theoretical Science

The importance of understanding the true nature of the earth. Christian Observer | by Yvonne Nightingale | from May 2017 Who are we? Where are we? Why are we here? What is wrong? What is the answer? The existential questions have plagued man from the beginning of time. They are the … Read More

Legalistic Teachings Refuted

This is the product of a few years of answering questions from legalism of all shapes and sizes. I hope it helps. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at

Not Born This Way – Opposing the Transgender Movement: David Arthur

Oppose Trans Activism Refuse to go along with trans madness that declares: “Sex is assigned at birth” by doctors. Gender identity is inborn. A three-year-old can know he’s “trapped in the wrong body. Some girls have penises; some boys have vaginas. Blocking puberty in pre-adolescent children is sound medical practice. … Read More

Religion: The Opiate of the Masses

Christian Observer | Yvonne Nachtigal A common argument believers encounter is that Christianity is just another religion and religions were created to control the masses. History shows us that the second part of that argument is true; since the beginning of time, religion has absolutely been used by the elite … Read More

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