
Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth

  We are entering a Space Age, but not the kind President Kennedy originally envisioned. This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battle space” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.” Author Elana M. Freeland examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like … Read More

Petrus Romanus: Gaia Is Under Siege And Humans Are The Enemy

It’s well known that the current Pope is part of the NWO. But this is also strategically coincides with the planned “Climate Change” Conferences Which Will Legitimize “Geoengineering” THIS DECEMBER of 2015.  March 3, 2015 by SkyWatch Editor ( Pope Francis made headlines Thursday when he told reporters that he believes climate change is … Read More

Cris White on Michael Tsarion

Sorting through all the “Truther” sites and information can be confusing, as many out there who present themselves as ‘opposing’ the New Age Luciferian New World Order are at the same time, following the various schools of New Age Spiritual thought. Sadly, you quickly learn that many of the teachers behind … Read More

Puppets For The New World Order

 Chuck Baldwin America’s Founding Fathers wisely instituted a federal government with three separate branches with the intention of creating built-in checks and balances designed to protect the liberties of the American people and the independence of the sovereign states. Each branch of government was given authority to check the other … Read More

Free Kent Hovind!

Creation expert Dr. Kent Hovind has been in prison for 99 months for ‘tax issues’. Al Sharpton owes $4.5 million in back taxes and gets invited to the White House. Free Kent Hovind!

Britain Launches ‘Big Brother’ System, Uploads One Third of Population to Facial Recognition Database

21st Century Wire | Feb 3, 2015 Under the pretext of “fighting terrorism” the British government has allowed the unthinkable to happen, as police have somehow managed to acquire and then upload what equates to approximately 33% of the UK population – 18 million ‘mug shots’ – into a nationwide, real-time … Read More

The FEAR of Climate Change and One World Government

Published on Jan 25, 2015 The REAL reason for chemtrails (induced contrails)… 1772 It may be thought that a real history of the weather modification began in 1772 when the Bavarian Academy of Sciences declared a prize for any successful way to change weather according to a human need.… 1872 … Read More

A woman rides the beast?

Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural! The current political landscape is in direct correlation to supernatural events that happened, in some cases, millennia ago. L. A. Marzulli A woman rides the beast? The Katy Perry Super Bowl Half-time show, began with a giant UFO, a Mother-ship, sucking everything up into it.  Here’s … Read More

The Greatest Hoax

Sweet Liberty The following article, from TIME Magazine, March 16, 1942 reports on a gathering by the Federal Council of Churches bowing to the New World Order crowd.  It certainly drives the point home and sheds some light on “what’s wrong with our churches”. The conference met during the heat of WWII and … Read More

‘Gray State’ Movie Writer/Director Found Dead! Wrote Martial Law – FEMA Camp Movie! Another Watchman Brought Down?

By Live Free Or Die – All News Pipeline A writer and director of the controversial ‘Police State’ – ‘Martial Law’ movie called “Gray State” has been found dead in an apparent murder/suicide along with his wife and 5-year old daughter according to this breaking news story. Screenwriter David Crowley, … Read More

CHEMTRAILS: “WHO” In The World is Spraying Now Revealed

Chemtrails: The Exotic Weapon | Harold Saive UPDATE:  Climate Scientist – Jasper Kirkby – Blows Whistle On Chemtrails  (Source) Michael J Murphy and Barry Kolsky produced two excellent Chemtrails documentaries that attempted to answer two questions: What in the World Are They Spraying and Why in the World Are They Spaying. Although the production of … Read More

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