
Excerpts from Brave New Schools

HHA SAVING THE EARTH by Berit Kjos “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, … Read More

Revisiting The Georgia Guidestones

Christian Observer On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American … Read More

Insight Into The True Purpose Of Chemtrails

(Photo Credit- Steve Quayle) HHA | 9/16/2014 Deaths Coloring Book – (Sky Devils) Visit Steve Quayle By Live Free or Die The amazing photographs below were emailed this morning to Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline by Steve Quayle, who recently took them over his home in Bozeman, Montana, 30 minutes after posting 2 chemtrail/smart dust articles. … Read More

Chemtrail Truthers Unite, a call to arms…

HHA | 9/16/2014 Here is an update after the widespread response to Dr Toran’s post “They Are Killing Us With Chemtrails In Switzerland“. (BIN) Dear friends and chemtrail truthers around the world, my name is Dr Alev Toran and I am a Swiss chiropractor and author of the post, “They are killing … Read More

ISIS To Attack On 9/11/2014 – FOX Puts Out Article Then Deletes It From Website (psyche!)

HHA World Truth We all knew it was coming…we just didn’t know what or when. Here is a leak by Fox News saying that ISIS has planned to attack the USA on none other than… 9/11/2014. That day is historical to us all. That day led us to where we standnow. Where will it … Read More

Ex Illuminati Programmer Turned Born Again Christian

HHA Although this is several years old, it is very relevant in light of what is taking place today. “Svali”, a woman who was raised in the Illuminati, speaks about the organization, confirming suspicions and allegations that the group is behind the NWO, the moral decline of our society, the … Read More

The Psychopathic Influence

People who essentially run the planet, have openly declared that they engage in occult rituals, which multiple reliable sources conclude to be Satanic in nature. These rituals include the sacrifice of compassion, and oaths of obedience which are pledged to a cause. The evidence suggests that these rituals are symbolic … Read More

Extreme News – Dr. Jim Willie Video – Kiev Puppets Escaping Ukraine And Germany Breaking Away

All News Pipeline | By Live Free or Die Dr. Jim Willie joins Paul Sandhu on “Wake Up and Live” radio for a very important update and immediately announces that conditions are getting extremely delicate in Europe and the Ukraine with Germany breaking away. Jim shares what he calls ‘extreme news’ as Ukraine’s military … Read More

Bill Gates And The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – Satanism, Black Magic, Weather Warfare, Be Aware

Birth of a New Earth Friends, this is a very important video describing how the Illuminati use the media and the power of alphabet/sigil languages to cast spells. In this video, you will learn that during the winter of 2013, Americans were bombarded with information about Edward “SNOWDEN” — as … Read More

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