
Anatomy of a Massive Con Job!

by John Truman Wolf [Editor comments: Mr Wolf does an excellent job explaining how this ‘environmental crisis machine’ was constructed. For those who think it wouldn’t be possible to buy off all so many players, follow the money!] (Download as a pdf) Con #1: LIMITS TO GROWTH “In times of universal … Read More

Awkward and Unnatural Testimonies of Shooting Hoax Witnesses

I wasn’t going to post anything about the recent Oregon shooting because it’s just the same story over and over again: “Gunman opens fire, witnesses hear a ‘pop pop pop’ sound, then the dramatic interviews with ‘bereaved’ fellow students and family members, police officials make a statement”. It’s like watching … Read More

Where the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory Came From and Why You Shouldn’t Believe It

  This is a good article examining the history behind the pre-tribulation rapture teaching as well as how the mystery religions operate. I want to add a note caution on the author’s paragraph about the Day of the Lord being the Feast of Trumpets. While I believe that the feast … Read More


By Coach Dave Daubenmire | I am sure you remember the game 20 Questions. I used to enjoy playing it with my friends because it challenged us to think. We would do well to spend a little more time thinking these days. So much of what we are fed anymore … Read More

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