
Storm Fishers – Pilot Episode

I’m pleased to introduce a new Youtube channel: Storm Fishers. Storm Fishers is an online fellowship in which we discuss questions that are on many minds and hearts today, as well as personal testimonies. We explore the issues humbly – no one claiming to have all the answers. It occurred … Read More

Here Am I

The onslaught of fear, lies and faithless reports of 2020 would have us forget that the Lord our God is GOD! How essential it is to take a break from the bad news on social media and surround ourselves with that TRUTH every day! REAL TRUTH GOD’s TRUTH HIS WORD … Read More

COVID Vaccine Will Contain “Chip” & Alter DNA!? (3 Videos)

 Many Fish – Link to article referred to in video: In this video, American Journalist Mark Segal announced on Fox News that the new vaccine WILL have CHIP embedded in it. BTW, if you go to YouTube to see this video from 7/15, they edited this segment out … Read More

They Tried To Warn Us (Lost Video From 1984)

In this 1984 interview, KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov explains why people simply CANNOT HEAR in spite of facts and evidence that the “COVID pandemic” is nothing but an orchestrated ruse to destroy society.  Bezmenov lays out the four stages of a Marxist takeover; “demoralization“, destabilization, crisis & normalization; “all the … Read More

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