
Are Freemasons / Zionists Posing as Christian Prophecy Experts/Truthers?

UPDATED 4-1-2019 The Scofield’s Bible has made a massive impact on what is taught in Theological Seminaries and played a major part in the church’s indiscriminate support of the modern day state of Israel. Many of the well known “Christian Truthers and Prophecy Experts” are also outspokenly supportive of Israel. … Read More

My Open Letter To Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Et. Al – Pastor Chuck Baldwin

By Pastor Chuck Baldwin Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has announced that the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to begin conducting hearings next Tuesday, March 26, on Senate Bill 7, the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019—otherwise known as a national “red flag” gun confiscation bill. The bill … Read More

The Timing of Facebook’s Outage

Many Facebook and Instagram users were forced to “unplug” for 14 hours Wednesday as the world’s largest social media network had what is believed to have been their biggest outage ever. Facebook turned to Twitter to explain the massive partial outage of its apps, including Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. Hashtag … Read More

The Rebirth of Socialism

” a monopoly over everything – power, knowledge, culture, religion. This is the real meaning of Communism. This requires the breakdown of nation, race, religion (God) and family (gender).  This is why Western nations are flooded by migrants. Why Communist and LGBT values are foisted on children. Why universities have been neutered. Why corporations and banks promote migration and homosexuality.  Why the … Read More

Noahide Laws of the AntiChrist & Hebrew Roots || Mini Documentary

This video is a MUST WATCH! Mike very clearly (and without fear mongering) explains how the Hebrew Roots movement was created to condition believers into accepting a world under Jewish-Talmudic Noahide Law. If you’ve noticed a distinct Judaizing in the church and wondered exactly what is going on, this video … Read More

The gospel of Jesus Christ ALONE

The gospel is the finished work of Jesus Christ. Period. It’s not Jesus plus law. It’s not Jesus plus liturgical religion. It’s not Jesus plus earthly indulgence. It’s not Jesus plus experiential mysticism. It’s not Jesus plus politics. It’s not Jesus plus science. It’s JUST JESUS!

Why Did Jesus turn Water into Wine?

Tabletalk | by Doug Ponder “Jesus’ first miracle—turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana—is ripe with symbolic echoes of the great themes of Scripture. Why should we expect otherwise? Jesus is not the type to do anything haphazardly. Moreover, John the Apostle tells us that this miracle is … Read More

CA Democrats Introduce LGBTQ Bill that would Protect Pedophiles who Rape Children

By Cherie Vandermillen · Feb. 22, 2019 | Pulpit & Pen It’s becoming more apparent with each passing day that another kind of purported sexual orientation is being pushed as normative, Pedophilia. Last year, Mirjam Heine, a German medical student gave a TEDxTalk “Why perception of pedophilia has to change.” Included in … Read More

VAXXED – Full Length Documentary & Full Uncut Interviews

From August 2016. UPDATED March 7, 2019 So, look at the nifty new educational banner Youtube put under the full length movie “Vaxxed!” Youtube moves ahead in it’s restriction of free speech to “help” the poor GMO/EMF/aluminum damaged / media brainwashed public who is no longer incapable of critical thought, to … Read More

Year of the Pig

(above) The Google Doodle for the Chinese New Year. Hidden in the Crag | C.A. Patin The pig is the final symbolism of the 12 zodiac signs. This means its the end of their cycle. You can see the other 11 signs underneath and besides the pig. The doodle starts … Read More

“Disturbing Anti-Israel Trend In Christian Churches” Reported by Trumpet Online

They’re scrambling! On Feb 23, The Trumpet Online published an article, originally posted in Olive Tree Views, marking “A Disturbing Anti-Israel Trend in Christian Churches.” The article reports a marked decline in evangelical support for Israel and End Times teaching. In answering the decline, it points to a decline in … Read More

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