
They Look Like People

  I thought it was time for another look at the more supernatural side of things. I can hear it now “Oh no! She’s going into the reptilian nonsense!” But stay with me for a minute… It’s just interesting stuff. Not necessarily IMPORTANT stuff, but interesting. KJ Osborne, the man … Read More

The Experimenter

  Do you think that you’re too strong of mind to be fooled, swept up by group-think or peer pressure? Would you harm another human being if you were ordered to? If you’re at all like me you’ll answer “NO! Of course not!” If you haven’t watched this film I … Read More

It’s All Kabbalah – Another Book About “Mysteries” By Jonathan Cahn

(from August 2016) Now that Jonathan Cahn has trained to search their Bibles for hidden messages, he has come out with his third book; “The Book of Mysteries.” Does the Bible contain “mysteries,” hidden codes and dates for Christians to distract themselves searching out? Absolutely not! That is a thoroughly … Read More

Election 2016 Follows Communist Blueprint

(above, Both Obama and Hillary Clinton were disciples of the Communist Saul Alinsky)  One of Saul Alinsky’s rules for subverting  and conquering a target nation was to “freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.”   “If you read some of the left-leaning writings of people like Saul Alinksy, you understand exactly … Read More

Bella Dodd – The New World Order Is Communism

The war on “terrorism” is designed to transform society into a Communist police state. In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Illuminati Jewish bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controls the USA. Her book “School of Darkness” requires a revisit. “The objectives of Communism … Read More

The iPhone Is Just the Beginning: FBI Already Accessing Your DNA

Anti Media | Jake Anderson March 9, 2016 Private genetic databases like 23andMe and are increasingly used by people for genealogy tracing and medical diagnostic tests. With a million customers each, the two companies receive a great deal of attention from privacy advocates, who for years warned the government would eventually seek access to citizens’ … Read More

Mainstream Academia/Media Attacks “Conspiracy Theorists”

Ignore Compelling Info, Focus On Irrational Sounding Things Activist Post / Era of Wisdom | By Cassius Methyl Another hit was recently attempted on the rising culture of educated people: people educated about “conspiracies.” Mainstream academic institution the University of Kent published a study claiming that conspiracy theorists tend to be narcissistic. A Daily … Read More

Federal Judge May Release New Documents Related To Obama’s Targeted Assassination Program

I can’t help but remember the “explosion” in November 11th that obliterated 2 homes in Indiana. My thought was, “Yike! Who did that guy cross?”             Activist Post |  Derrick Broze On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Colleen McMahon ordered the Obama Administration to hand over three documents … Read More

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