Revivals Part 4: The First Great Awakening & The Controversial George Whitefield

Relationship vs. Religion?

Stand To Reason Greg Koukl comments on the often-used phrase “Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship.” I’d like to pick up today where we ended yesterday. The last call mentioned that Christianity is a relationship, not a religion. Jesus practiced a relationship with God the Father and then … Read More

Spiritual Warfare And The Believer

 “Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.” Does the thought of spiritual warfare frighten you? Do you avoid it, feel inadequate, hope that it doesn’t come … Read More

The Woman Jezebel: Thoughts on the False Christian Character of Fascism

What should our response be to the growing fascist One World Government and Religion brazenly being brought about before our eyes? Shamefully, the church again is mostly silent in the face of the uprising of heinous evil. What are the justifications? Studying prophecy might frighten people and affect church attendance … Read More

Why is Kent Hovind in Jail? Evolution vs Creationism

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to Wikipedia, since January 2007, Kent Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. He is incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institution at Montgomery, … Read More

What is The New Age Movement?

Names: Higher Consciousness Movement, the Human potential or development, New thought, Eastern Mysticism, Eastern Spirituality, Enlightenment, paradigm shift, Occultism, Ancient Wisdom, Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian Conspiracy Is a planned influence that affects our education system (GOALS 2000) our work places and the way we do business. It is to … Read More

How A Muslim Found Jesus

(Before It’s News) The secular-liberal media regularly give publicity to (and with attention comes credibility) the atheism of famous people such as British scientist Stephen Hawking. I vowed I would try to redress the media’s skewed focus with accounts of  accomplished individuals who eventually came home to embrace a belief in their … Read More

Today’s Watchmen

Asking people to critically examine their long held opinions and belief systems doesn’t win any popularity contests to be sure. We read the stories in the Bible of the prophets, and God’s ‘watchmen’ and see them as hero’s, worthy of great respect since they were obeying God and trying to warn … Read More

The Christian Conspiracy Theorist – Part 1

There are very few folks who would consider themselves both a Christian, and a conspiracy theorist. The niche is limited and has been largely seen as a taboo for the Christian community. But my conviction is that these like minded Christians are some of the most “on fire” believers that we can find. This is largely due to the fact that these brothers and sisters in Christ have a clear picture of who the enemy is, and how he operates. 

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The Christian Conspiracy Theorist Part 2

In our last article, we looked at why anyone should care about conspiracy theories. The conclusion was that we should become Christian Conspiracy Theorists (CCT) and aware of conspiracy theories because they confirm a central theme in the Bible which is that Satan is the ruler of this world. Today, I want to specifically look at not just what difference it makes for a Christian to know conspiracies or be aware of them, but also the more central issue of, “doesn’t it mean you don’t trust God?”

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Bible Facts With Dr Ken Johnson

As Evangelical Christians, the 66 books we have in our hands is all we need to gain salvation through the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord. However, commentary from extra-biblical text and the early church fathers help us fill in some gaps that otherwise would be lost to us in the modern era. Dr. Ken Johnson is one of those folks who have scoured many of these extra-Biblical text and writings of the early church fathers. Using the Bible as the grounded point of reference, Dr. Ken Johnson has been able to paint a picture of the ancient world that few are able to ascertain. From it, he has been able to not only show how the truth is found in the Bible, but also the significance of its prophecies, those already fulfilled and those yet in the future.

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