
Kushners Belong to Jewish Supremacist Doomsday Cult

 (Jared & Ivanka visit the Chabad Rebbe for a pre-election blessing Nov. 5, 2016) Henry Makow Is Trump’s Jared Kushner connection to the Chabad Lubavitch sect the cause for his dramatic U-turn? The sect is deliberately fomenting a prophesied Third World War. It believes Jews are God’s chosen people and everyone else is trash.  In … Read More

Rotating Earth Orbiting the Sun is Pseudo-Scientific Foundation of Kabbala-based Cosmology

The Concept of a Rotating Earth Orbiting the Sun Is Both the Pseudo-Scientific Foundation and The Achilles Heel of Modern Kabbala-based Cosmology by Marshall Hall | Fair Education Foundation Could the Kabbalist Cosmological Paradigm of a 15 billion year old universe with all its layered assumptions have been brought to … Read More

Bible-bashing “Big Bang Creation Scenario” Is Just a Competing Religious Concept from the Kabbala

Will Christians et al Fight Back When They Realize That The Bible-bashing “Big Bang Creation Scenario” Is Just a Competing Religious Concept from the Kabbala Brought To Pass By A Theoretical Science Establishment?  by Marshall Hall | Fair Education Foundation The metaphysical Kabbala is the chicken; modern Big Bang Cosmology … Read More

Judaism is a School of Magic (Witchcraft)

“If the world doesn’t make sense (i.e. Pedogate, ISIS, fake news, gaslighting, migration, ff terror, demonizing Russia & gender), it may be that society is under a magic spell, which I equate with Satanic possession.” – Henry Makow * Francis is a Voodoo adept who describes the true esoteric character of Judaism.* “Any ritual … Read More

Kabbalah’s Pagan Origins

Following the division of Israel and the Assyrian captivity of the northern tribes, the southern kingdom of Judah adopted the pagan traditions of the heathen nation of ancient Babylon. These traditions, with their associated rituals which included human sacrifice, provoked God to judge the southern kingdom, which judgment the prophet Jeremiah forewarned … Read More

Communism & the NWO are Based on Judaism

Ever wondered why? Why would people want to enslave other people? What was the incredible driving force behind the creation of the Communist system? Of course, tyranny is as old as time and we know it’s true author, but according to Israel Shahak, Communism and the planned global Communistic Government … Read More

Kabbalah The Unacknowledged Religion of the West

  Frank followed Sabbatai Zevi’s strategy of pretending to convert to a target religion in order to infiltrate and destroy it.  Frank later returned to Poland with his followers and “converted” to Catholicism. His sponsor had been the King of Poland.  Henry Makow | By Richard Evans In October 1946, Soviet … Read More

Kabbalistic Seeds of Astrophysics, Evolution, and Quantum Theory

I’ve been looking into the relation between Kabbalah and theoretical science for the final section of my Fallen Angel Human Hybrid Myth series, specifically the topic of Transhumanism. It’s astonishing how deep this goes into many things being presented to us today as “science.” I hope you’ll take some time to … Read More

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