
The Change Event An ECUMENICAL MESS – ONE WORLD RELIGION VIBES – Video by Magical Mystery Church

I’m working on the next piece in the Revival series: the Third Great Awakening; the birth of Pentecostalism and Social Justice Movements going full-swing in Protestantism. But let’s fast-forward to today with this excellent video by Magical Mystery Church. The Counter-Reformation’s methodical work through the Revivals is quickly coming to … Read More

Amsterdam 2023 Embraces AI Tech as Gamers Chat With AI “Jesus”

I recently wrote about the true history of the Moravians and their leader Count Zinzendorf, who the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), MorningStar Church in particular, holds in high esteem. I found it interesting that there was an AI church service (video below) in Germany earlier this month (video below) and … Read More

Revivals Part 2: Enlightenment In The Land Of The Plumed Serpent

This will be a bit of a “Crash Course” on several topics, but I feel like it’s an important backdrop before we jump into the American Revivals.. In part one we talked about the Asbury revival and its lack of a clear gospel message. We considered the differing definitions of … Read More

A Great Coming Deception | Viganò and Naïve Evangelicals

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has long been an outspoken critic of Pope Francis, and the “parallel counterfeit” / “aberrant” element of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) that stands opposed to the Church’s traditional teachings on faith and morals. Mel Gibson (The Passion of The Christ) recently published this brief video … Read More

The Jesuits “490” Year Period & Daniel 9’s “490” Year Period

My sister in Christ Cheryl Devine Tuumalo was led to some interesting connections between Daniel’s 490 years and the Jesuits. Originally posted on her Facebook page, she gave me permission to repost it here. By Cheryl Devine Tuumalo I think you may find this to be quite interesting.🤔 Now I … Read More

Who Is Pope Francis – Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina’s “Dirty War”

Michel Chossudovsky offers some background on Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis). This is an older article, but continues to be relevant. Global Research | Prof Michel Chossudovsky This article was first published in March 2013 following the election by the Vatican Conclave of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. In the course … Read More

The Manufactured “Christian” vs. Muslim Crisis

Muslim and “Christians” are being pitted against each other through the manufactured migration crisis. The simultaneous burning of Notre Dame and Al-Aqsa mosque were RITUAL SACRIFICES symbolizing the intended mutual destruction of the two great religions. Friends, while the Catholic church being used to symbolize Christianity, it is not Christianity. … Read More

Notre Dame Burning Predicted in My Pet Goat II

In the occult, April 19th to May 1st is sacrifice season, which is important to know in light of recent news. First we saw the unveiling of the blasphemous “Holy Stairs.” April 15 a sacrifice for Passover was held in Jerusalem. This is the first time they sacrificed a single … Read More

Are Freemasons / Zionists Posing as Christian Prophecy Experts/Truthers?

UPDATED 4-1-2019 The Scofield’s Bible has made a massive impact on what is taught in Theological Seminaries and played a major part in the church’s indiscriminate support of the modern day state of Israel. Many of the well known “Christian Truthers and Prophecy Experts” are also outspokenly supportive of Israel. … Read More

Religion: The Opiate of the Masses

Christian Observer | Yvonne Nachtigal A common argument believers encounter is that Christianity is just another religion and religions were created to control the masses. History shows us that the second part of that argument is true; since the beginning of time, religion has absolutely been used by the elite … Read More

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