
Jesus ‘Dangerous – The Pope

HHA | 12/6/2014 Published on Jul 5, 2014 Pope Francis described as “dangerous” the temptation to believe that one can have “a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church. At his weekly general audience Wdnesday, Pope Francis continued his series of … Read More

Pope Francis Declares That Evolution Is Real Saying God Is Not A “Wizard”

HHA | 10/30/2014 (Reuters) Speaking to the Pontifical Academy of Science, Pope Francis said that the Big Bang and evolution do not contradict the “intervention of God” as a creator, rather it requires it. Delivering an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Francis continued his habit of making provocative, seemingly progressive statements. The pontiff … Read More

Eye Witnesses to Pope Francis Murderous Satanic Rituals

HHA | 10/28/2014 Original Article: Published on Apr 29, 2014 Kevin Annett: Eye witnesses to Pope Bergoglio rape of teens, killing & eating babies in Satanic Ninth Circle ritual Papacy and Vatican exorcised and abolished; Replaced by new spiritual gathering of free humanity…… In his work Kevin Arnett … Read More

Cursillo: Puppets Of The Papacy – Building The One World Religion

As current events make it evident that we are facing the darkest of times preceding our Lord’s return, the enemy is distracting believers from walking in power and thwarting his plans. Instead of believers focusing on abiding in Christ and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, (humility, forgiveness … Read More

Examining The Cursillo / Tres Dias Method – Brian Janssen

HHA Examining the Cursillo Movement BRIAN V. JANSSEN Over 20 years ago Christian Renewal published a review of the Cursillo movement (pronounced cur-SEE-yoh), a Roman Catholic, revivalistic technique which originated in Spain in the 1940s.  At the time it was being embraced by a few Reformed (largely RCA and a few CRC) … Read More

Pope Francis And Shimon Peres Discuss The Establishment Of A ‘United Nations Of Religions’

HHA EOAD | By Michael Snyder, on September 8th, 2014 Last Thursday, Pope Francis and former Israeli President Shimon Peres met for an extended 45 minute private conversation.  The focus of this discussion was a proposal by Peres to establish a “United Nations of Religions”.  It was the third meeting … Read More

The Roots of the Emergent Church Movement

HHA – 9/6/14 “When the Catholic blueprint for false ecumenism appears in Evangelical circles, it is time to sound the alarm. The Emerging Church movement has become such a toxic and dangerous threat at the present time that I see it will take three articles to analyze it. In this first article I will deal … Read More

Aliens and the Vatican

Vatican astronomers have reportedly been working towards locating extraterrestrial life. Earlier in March, the Vatican Observatory cosponsored a major conference on extraterrestrial life that brought together 200 of the leading astrobiologists in the world. One of the organizers stated that one of the goals of the conference was to figure out … Read More

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