
Prophecy Fulfilled or ManMade “End Times Script”? Strange Phenomenon at the Temple Mount

Last year, they built an underground Synagogue under the Temple Mount. Now there are strange, increasingly supernatural events surrounding the Temple Mount. Keep in mind when reading the following two articles, that you are reading their END TIMES SCRIPT, a twisted/PHYSICAL interpretation of prophecy. Everything we’re seeing with Israel serves ONE PURPOSE: … Read More

Christians and Halloween: A Response to Fox News’ take

Trumpet On this October 31st, in the year of our Lord 2018, I was made aware of an article on Fox News that tried to justify Christians partaking in the customs of Halloween: My first thought was, why are Christians reading Fox News? Are they actually interested in learning … Read More

Behind Secret Societies by Walter Veith – Flat Earth Research

Links to download the Study Guide for this lecture.…… Much has been written on secret societies and there are numerous speculations as to which powers control them. The nature of secrecy is such that the real power behind the power should remain exactly that-Secret. In this lecture, … Read More

The Fraudulent Khazar Claim to Palestine

By Henry Makow | September 21, 2018 The Khazars bought the “Jewish” franchise in the 8th Century. They needed to distinguish themselves from their neighbors who were Christians and Muslims. As John Beaty shows in his book, Iron Curtain over America, the NWO is very much a recrudescence of the old Khazar … Read More

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