
John MacArthur on Dispensationalism and The Blood of Jesus

The chief problem with dispensationalism is that it requires two plans of salvation, adding to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Still, I was surprised to hear John McArthur’s comments about the blood of Jesus. WhoIsIsrael In certain circles, John MacArthur is revered as an “evangelical” icon. Listen to MacArthur’s … Read More

The Zionist-Christian Alliance and the Great Deception

Veterans Today “O you who know in your hearts, do not take the [J-e-w-s and Christians] as friends…”  (5:51)   With those words, Shaykh Imran Hosein explains, the Qur’an warns us against the psychotic heresy known as “Judeo-Christianity” — the prime force behind the Zionist invasion, occupation, and genocidal destruction … Read More

Vatican Official to Attend Bilderberg Mtg. | Topics Include “Post Truth” World

Catholic News Agency reports that a Vatican official will be attending the Bilderberg meeting this year. But more interesting is the list of key topics for discussion this year, including the “post truth” world. Andrea Gagliarducci Jun 7, 2018 CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY Cardinal Pietro Parolin. (Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.) ROME – Cardinal Pietro … Read More

Reasons for the Modern Occult Revival

From 2015 John Ankerberg | John Weldon Occultism has now settled comfortably into American culture. Even many Christians are involved in psychic or occult practices, directly or indirectly. However, occult revivals in this nation are nothing new. The mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries boasted signifi­cant occult activity. If we consider … Read More

The Trump And Israel Conspiracy

By Chuck Baldwin  On January 11 of this year, I wrote a column entitled “Collusion With Russia Was Never The Crime.” In the column I wrote: All of the hoopla over non-existent collusion between Donald Trump and Russia is nothing but political theater. The real crime has been completely covered up … Read More

The 100 Year-Old Duping of American Evangelical Christianity – Christian Zionism

12-23-2016 – *Originally posted in September 2015, this excellent and important article continues to receive a lot of traffic, so I’m reposting it. 4 Winds The followers of Christ have been fooled into believing the Bible teaches something it does not teach: Christian support of Israel. Israel is, in fact: … Read More

The Predictive Programming of Inevitablism (and other Distractions)

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal “It is only when people think they are not buying something, can the real sales pitch begin.” (Michael Hoffman) As many believers are working to combat the tangible evils in the world through prayer-guided-action, fascinating distractions have others running off every which way (Eph 4:14), from … Read More

What is the Kabbalah? (And Why Is It So Bad?)

In order to understand what’s going on in the world and within Christianity we need to have at least a basic understanding of Kabbalah, as it is the foundation of all false religion. My book, Glimpse of Glory, gives an overview of how the “Oneness” / “Oneism” (the teaching that … Read More

The New World Order: Merely a Forerunner

CO As the dark powers behind the scenes of governments and the social engineering of the public are revealed, the various truth “movements” are bringing mixed messages and disinformation. It’s fair to say that most things found on the internet about the New World Order (NWO) are comprised of half-truths, … Read More

Sacred Names | Deception in the Christian Truth Movement

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal | Edited 4/1/18* “Divine Names: Like Holy Keys. Kabbalah reveals that the entire Torah is dependant upon G-d’s Names. Your enthusiasm is far greater than your question… You, my brother and soul mate, have asked me to show you the pathway to the Names of the … Read More

D.C. Council Member Warns about Weather Modification – Draws Accusations of “Hate Speech” | Khazarian Jews ARE the Swamp

You’ve probably read about the backlash D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. received for comments he made about weather modification and the Rothschilds. Here’s a transcript of the video clip below: “Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, … Read More

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