
“America’s Pastor” Billy Graham Exposed

Feb 24, 2018 | Richard Kallberg This post thoroughly exposes the masonic agenda relating to the evangelical preacher known as Billy Graham, who died earlier this week. Due to Billy Graham’s immense popularity in the “Christian” community this information isn’t exactly met with open ears, but it’s important that this material … Read More

Kabbalah and the Androgynous Agenda

According to Kabbalists, Adam, whom they call Adam Ha-Rishon (primoridal human consciousness), was created as both male and female, but was separated into two creatures; “Adam” and “Eve”. The Midrash Rabbah says that, “When the Holy One created Adam [Ha-Rishon], it was androgynous. God created Adam Ha-Rishon double faced, and split him/her so there were … Read More

Rabbi Mintz: Goyim are Inferior to Jews (Video)

Saboteur 365 |  February 8, 2018 Youtube title: Does the Torah View Goyim as Inferior to Jews? Yes! Says Rabbi Mintz! Two and a half minutes. Zionist Report Published on Feb 5, 2018 Oy Vey! ‘Pogroms, Inquisitions, and Holocausts’ — “we are the eternal victims and ‘God’s Chosen People!’” This Rabbi conflates … Read More

Eric Dubay Claims Jesus Christ Never Existed

Using “evidences” from Peter Joseph’s Zeitgeist film, flat earther, Eric Dubay, recently posted a video boldly claiming that Jesus Christ never existed. Eric Dubay has posted a great deal of flat earth truth, truth that has led many, once they saw their way clear of the “outer space” deception, to embrace the existence of … Read More

The Luminaries, Flat Earth, and Simulation Theory (including video by Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction)

For those waiting for the perfect “flat earth map” and correct explanation of just how it all works… The sun, the moon and the stars (the luminaries)…  What are they? Since many are waking up to the globe model being false, people are wanting to understand their true nature and movement…. … Read More


A friend recently sent me a link to a (yet another) new book about near death experiences (NDE’s): “God and the Afterlife” by Jeffrey Long. I wasn’t surprised to find that it offers the same misleading perspective on NDE’s that I’ve encountered almost exclusively . My near death experience is … Read More

Judaism Hates Christianity – Leon de Poncins

Since there’s a lot of confusion on the subject of Israel, the article below should be preempted with a distinction and clarification of terms: The distinction is that, while I support Flat Earth cosmology, “Flat Earth Truthers” Eric Dubay, and more recently, Youtuber, World History Official, are promoting a disturbing neo-Nazi sentiment. … Read More

MUST WATCH: AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary) Chapters: 1. The Ancient Conflict 4:36 2. A New Nation 11:00 3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30 4. The Quantum Deception 25:49 5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09 6. The Power of the Air 51:27 7. New Age “Zience” 1:12:33 8. Oracles of … Read More

Cabala (Kabbalah)- How Sex Became Our Religion

Homosexuality/transexuality/pedophilia/sex in entertainment/sex in advertising… Why is our society so preoccupied with sex? Henry Makow argues that it can be traced to the social engineering of elite Cabalists. In fact, in direct contradiction to sound Biblical teaching, one popular Rabbi (Shmuley) goes so far as to teach that lust, not love, is the secret to … Read More

Vegas Shooting: Concert Workers’ Phone-Footage Wiped Clean by FBI

This story (below) carried by Infowars, a known disinformation site, adds to the mounting evidence that these horrible false flag events and UNnatural disasters… murders (even if no one died at the Las Vegas shooting, several people died afterward) are being exposed by the very powers that are responsible for them. Historically, … Read More

Mysterious Strangelets… (Anthony Patch, Quantum Deception & Twain’s Simulation Gospel…)

What about the quantum entanglement that Jim Carey and modern “prophecy experts” are talking about? Should we be afraid that they will eventually be able to completely control our every thought, our very consciousness? Youtuber Truth is Stranger than Fiction explains why this is nonsense. “[If] you think that they actually are … Read More

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