
Dr Brown, the Bible or Talmud?

After listening and writing down statements from the debate that Dr Brown had with a rabbi, I felt I needed to address this question. What book will you defend Dr Brown, the Bible or the Talmud? You cannot serve 2 masters. You must decide.

Technology, Naturalism & Spell Casting

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal “We shall, unlike Archimedes, need neither fulcrum or lever, but we shall move the world.” – HP Blavatsky Fulcrum: the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns in moving a body. any prop or support. Zoology. any of various structures in an animal … Read More

We Won’t Get Fooled Again (wrong)

All you rock n’ roll lovers aren’t going to like me for this one, but the author makes some excellent points.  I’ve been saying the devil’s been loosed, but I never put the date all the way back at 1948. … It seems you could almost go all the way … Read More

BIN Article about Arch of Palmyra / New World Order, Idolatry and Quantum Physics Brings More Chaos/Deception

This is a very informative article even though it comes from a site run by Talmudic Zionists. Kabbalah is the source of Talmudic Judaism and virtually all occult religion, yet the author purports to “expose” the occult behind Palmyra and CERN. This also builds on yesterday’s (lengthy) post about Alexander Dugin, … Read More

SOPHIA: The “Divine Feminine” of Gnostics, the Mystery Schools & Kabbalah

In satan’s upside-down kingdom, “god” is worshipped as the divine feminine, this satanic inversion of God’s creation can be seen throughout history in goddess worship and the androgynous Baphomet. As a result of the infiltration of mystical Kabbalah, it is tragically celebrated in the organized church today as “Shekinah.” It … Read More

Flooding and Coming Food Shortages Deliberately Created with Weather Control Technology

Christian Observer | Yvonne Nachtigal Environmentalists want us to believe that the Catastrophic Flooding and extreme weather in the midwest, Canada and the rest of the world are a result of CO2/”human carbon footprint” caused “Climate Change.” The MSM is predicting that these scenes could be ‘The New Normal,’ but … Read More

Kabbalah Secrets: Jana’s Second Chat with DeAnne Loper

Jana  has a second conversation with DeAnne Loper. This time they go deeper down the Talmudic Rabbit Hole discussing what some Extreme Talmudists don’t want you to know. Deanne: “[Referencing statements by Rabbi Lemuria (Lemurian Kabbalah), and Rabbi Shapira today] [they] say that we have taken the Messiah and we … Read More

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