
Nutrition Guidelines Making Us Sick

July 11, 2018 Nina Teicholz’s 2014 book The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat & Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet is a bestseller that continues to get kudos for its meticulous research, engaging writing and iconoclastic takedown of the 60-year war against dietary fat. The low-fat high carb orthodoxy that has … Read More

Not Born This Way – Opposing the Transgender Movement: David Arthur

Oppose Trans Activism Refuse to go along with trans madness that declares: “Sex is assigned at birth” by doctors. Gender identity is inborn. A three-year-old can know he’s “trapped in the wrong body. Some girls have penises; some boys have vaginas. Blocking puberty in pre-adolescent children is sound medical practice. … Read More

How Will Agenda 21 Affect You?

It’s unthinkable to Americans that the government is implementing a plan to control all aspects of our lives, encompassing the very numbers of the population, yet the blatant disregard for human life represented by the roll out of technologies like smart meters and 5G demand that we face this reality. … Read More

Facebook Threatens to Silence Radically Saved Former Homosexual / Transgender Man

Christian Observer | 7/9/2018 Censorship on the internet is heating up exponentially, and what is being censored serves to tell exactly who is engineering public thought. Just yesterday, David Arthur, author of the book; Refined: Life Through Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and Beyond,received the following note from Facebook regarding his Facebook page: If you … Read More

EVENT: What Are They Spraying Us With? Marshfield, WI AUG 1, 2018

How refreshing to see Christians addressing these issues! Please share with those you may know in Wisconsin! LEARN THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE OF ‘CHEMTRAILS’ THE EVIDENCE Regarding Geoengineering &?its Effects Wednesday August 1  •  7 pm WISCONSIN CHRISTIAN NEWS MINISTRY CENTER 327 S. Central Avenue, Downtown Marshfield, Wis. Featuring Guest Speaker LEO … Read More

Cloud Theft: Top Iranian General Accuses Israel Of “Stealing Its Rain”

by Tyler Durden Earlier this week, the Head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization blamed Iran’s drought on “cloud and snow theft,” allegedly engineered by Israel. In a series of comments at the Third National Conference on Non-Proactive Defense in Agriculture on civil defense tactics in agriculture, held in Tehran on Monday, Brigadier General Gholam … Read More

“Their Lives Were Ruined”: Victims Of CIA MK-Ultra Brainwashing Plan Class-Action Suit

Zero Hedge |Tyler Durden (abridged) Survivors and families of those who were affected by Project MK-Ultra, also called the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) mind control program, administered at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal are preparing a class-action lawsuit against the Quebec and federal governments because of what they alleged had been … Read More

Why 5G is being called the “BEAST SYSTEM”

Multiple US patents make it clear what the PTB are really up to with digital Smart TV’s, smart appliances and all the wireless technologies, most expressly with 5G. For example: US Patent 6506148 – June 1, 2001 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors “Physiological effects have been observed … Read More

Categories 5G

Opposition to 5G in Michigan and California

Please take the time to listen to these informed citizens voice their concerns about the 5G rollout in Michigan. Why are these critical concerns being suppressed and largely ignored and 5G rolled out in one state after another? Let your representatives know that you will not support them in upcoming … Read More

Categories 5G
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