
California Shuts Down Commercial Crab Season Due to Radiation

California Shuts Down Commercial Crab Season “Indefinitely” Cites “naturally-occurring toxin” but real culprit is Radiation Post by Newsroom  Nov 07, 2015 Just 1 week after this web site broke news of Fukushima radiation in fish & seafood, California officials have cancelled commercial crab season “indefinitely” citing “protection of the public health.” Yet … Read More


An objective look at the world today will clearly reveal that a disproportionate number of people in positions of power in Western countries have Jewish names. For those who are the brunt of the nefarious activities of Western foreign policy, particularly the Middle East, “the Jews” then become the logical … Read More


Magick—defined by Aleister Crowley as the art and science of causing change in conformity with will—has always been the vital core of all of the projects we undertake at The Disinformation Company. Whether via our website, publishing activities or our TV series, the idea of being able to influence reality … Read More

William Cooper – The Alex Jones Deception

This is the original broadcast from Bill’s ‘Hour of the Time’ shortwave radio show aired on January 6th, 2000. These are 3 full length broadcasts that expose a deliberate campaign to instill fear in the pubic.   PART ONE:… PART TWO:… William Cooper Playlist:…… … Read More


(Photo courtesy of Dan Dapper) WND, having been shown many times over to be “controlled truth”, is pulling back the covers on geoengineering. Interesting timing in light of the upcoming Climate Conferences (Dec 2015) in Paris. Chuck Norris | WND | Nov 1, 2015 Exclusive: Chuck Norris questions government ‘gag orders’ on … Read More

The History & Occult Roots of TRANSHUMANISM

“Electric information environments being utterly ethereal, foster the illusion of the world as spiritual substance. It is now a reasonable facsimile of the mystical body [of Christ], a blatant manifestation of the Anti-Christ. After all, the Prince of this world is a very great electric engineer.” – Marshall McLuhan David Livingstone | … Read More

Monumental Air Test Planned to Examine Geoengineering

  Scientist along with e pilots set out to test Chemtrails phenomenon, all while breaking a few world records in the process. LOS ANGELES Nov. 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/ Potentially the most difficult environmental test in history is about to take place. World renowned scientist Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, along with … Read More

Hand Sign Indicates Massive Satanic Conspiracy

Henry Makow Below is a list of political and cultural leaders over more than 500 years whose official portraits show them making a Triad Hand Sign, joining their third and fourth fingers. This is also known as “Triad Claw.” What are the chances that people living centuries apart would make the same Masonic … Read More

Halloween is Satanist Christmas

October 31, 2015 | Richard Evans The Hidden History of Halloween Behind the playful facade, Halloween  celebrates perversion, which is the  real meaning of the occult.  It is “indoctrination into Druid paganism,   witchcraft, and Satanism.” Why are we celebrating one of the holiest days in the satanic calendar? The second “holiest” time is … Read More

October 2015 NWO Explanation How we got to United Nations 2030 Globalization New World Order

When you talk about these things today, people roll their eyes and call you a “conspiracy theorist”. Social engineering through the media works. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform… NWO United Nations Earth Federation Constitution… United Nations USA joins peacekeeping Force it is really called Global Police… Obama Administration and UN Announce … Read More

Floating Cities? First China: Now ‘parallel universe floating city’ appears over seaside at HASTINGS

“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” If this isn’t a hoax or somehow naturally explainable (which it could very well be), it sure looks like Project Bluebeam practicing for the return of … Read More

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