
The Pope Wants You to Pray for a One World Religion

This is the closest you are going to get to a commercial for the one world religion they want to enact. PS – here’s the original Pope vid: Funny they want to bring the world together to “have a discussion” but they’ve closed comments for the video. *Note: In regard to … Read More

Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrail As Crime Against Humanity

Revised 1/4/15 – 9:00pm – I had the pleasure of speaking with Marvin J Herndon, the author of the document in question. He directed me to this document in which two small errors have been corrected. Marvin explained to me that these errors were so minuscule that they would have simply … Read More


(Facebook post below contains test results of Suzanne Maher’s dog) In Loving Memory of Belle On December 11th, 2015, my husband and I lost our beautiful little ten year old chow chow, Belle. We had found out only 10 days earlier that she had carcinoma. My dogs are fed with … Read More

Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines

Cclub So apparently the holistic doctors who were all being killed in FL (link-HHA)  had found out via their research that the nagalase enzyme protein is INTENTIONALLY being added to the population via immunizations. Nagalase STOPS vitamin D from binding to the Gc protein. This completely strips a human being’s body of … Read More

US Warming Trend Inflated by Compromised Thermometers

NOAA Relies On ‘Compromised’ Thermometers That Inflate US Warming Trend The Daily Caller The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s reliance on poorly-sited weather stations to calculate surface temperatures is inflating the warming trend of the U.S. and maybe even the rest of the world, according to a landmark study looking … Read More

Global warming HOAX unravels… globalist science fraud engineered to control humanity, not save it

  Since this was posted on a major alternative news site like Natural News, this is most certainly being disclosed by design. The elite (Freemasons/Illuminati/Zionists) announced their plan long ago to expose their current system and destroy it, ushering in their “New Age of Enlightenment”. We are currently witness to … Read More

My Rant To The Truth Movement – Chris White

“This is my rant to the Truth ,patriot, freedom, liberty, movement. to the 911 truthers and the 2012ers. To the followers of Michael Tsarion, Jordan maxwell, Alan Watt, David Icke, Zacheria Sitchin, Eric Von Daniken, Acharya S, David Wilcock and the others I missed. To the wiccans, Luciferians, Satanists and … Read More

Santa Claus the Magic Mushroom

Christmas has come and gone, but I thought this was interesting. Since I was a child, I’ve loved red polka dotted mushrooms (to look at, I mean). Atlantean Conspiracy | Eric Dubay Have you ever wondered why on Christmas we cut down/carry evergreen trees inside our houses, decorate them with … Read More

Lucifer’s MOST Devilish Deception

Excellent work by KJ (Scariest Movie Ever Youtube channel) If you want a good overview of how the occult is at work behind the scenes, check this out. Jesus/Horus & Lucifer’s Devilish Deception (2015) LINKS 1.… 2.… 3.… 4.http://apologetics-notes.comereason.o… 5.… 6.… 7.… All Music by Chris Zabriskie *Theres a Special … Read More

SYMPATHY FOR THE NEPHILIM (GIANTS): Dahl, Spielberg and Analysis of Disney’s ‘The BFG’ Trailer

Disney is at it again, with yet more ‘end times’ indoctrination. Their trailer for an upcoming film called The BFG is essentially propaganda for children to have  acceptance of and sympathy for the mythical Nephilim. A story written by former British intelligence gone author, Roald Dahl, and with direction from Steven Spielberg, … Read More

Israel Prepares For Arrival Of False “Messiah”

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” – 1 Cor 3:16 It couldn’t get any plainer than this. Israeli Rabbi’s are preparing for the coming of their false Messiah. No mention of Jesus, the true Messiah. That’s no problem, according … Read More

Exposed: Sacred Name/Hebrew Roots/Messianic Movement

“I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.” Gal 2:21 I have several things posted about the Sacred Name/Hebrew Roots/Messianic Movement and its’ leaders because this is one of the greatest deceptions in the church today, and it is growing in … Read More

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