
CALL OF DUTY: Black Ops III Trailer Breakdown [Transhumanist Propaganda]

  The newest incarnation of Call of Duty will be Black Ops III “Ember.” On the tease video, an outline from the year 2000 to 2065 is outlined with the various projected issues that may arise from technological advancements. One of them is the development of the super solider. While … Read More


By Chuck Baldwin | 4/2/2015 | For two months this summer, the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) will conduct Realistic Military Training (RMT) Operation Jade Helm 15 (JH 15) in seven Southwestern U.S. states: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Military spokesmen say the operation is merely a … Read More

God Is Sending A Disgusting Flesh Eating Plague On ISIS (Thousands Infected And Spreading Quickly)

by Shoebat Foundation on April 1, 2015 in Featured, General THE Islamic State is facing a new enemy – being wiped out by a FLESH-EATING disease, according to reports. The self-declared Islamic State capital is currently experiencing some signs of the times and is in the throes of an epidemic and a number of members of … Read More

Boeing Patents Microwave Forcefield — Scalar 101 — 21st century technology rollout

Dutchsinse / Tatoot Boeing patents new instantly forming microwave force field which stops explosive blasts from hitting targets! Quote the article from Cnet: “A new patent granted to aircraft, defense and security company Boeing is taking its cues from science fiction. Just like the glowing energy shields seen protecting troops, machines and even … Read More

Petrus Romanus: Gaia Is Under Siege And Humans Are The Enemy

It’s well known that the current Pope is part of the NWO. But this is also strategically coincides with the planned “Climate Change” Conferences Which Will Legitimize “Geoengineering” THIS DECEMBER of 2015.  March 3, 2015 by SkyWatch Editor ( Pope Francis made headlines Thursday when he told reporters that he believes climate change is … Read More

Vaccine Zombie Video

This is great. (NaturalNews) Five years ago, I wrote a fan-favorite song called “Vaccine Zombie.” The song lyrics and music video are shown below, and you’ll love the animation, the vocal harmonies and the overall hilarity of the song and music video. What’s really amazing, though, is how this song foretold … Read More

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