
NIGERIA: Boko Haram terrorists slaughter 1,000 Christians by shooting them, cooking them alive and chopping them up in pieces

Muslims, all belonging to Boko Haram, entered the Christian village of Gwoza and butchered one thousand Christians. Why hasn’t this made the news? They were shot, burned alive, and slashed to death. They were slaughtered with bullets, cooked alive, and hacked to death. Nigerian relations expert Adeniyi Ojutiku received a report from a trusted … Read More

Anonymous Hackers Claim to Identify the Cop Who killed Mike Brown in Ferguson

Releases Police Recordings (Listen Here!) From Day Of Ferguson, Missouri Shooting According to this newly released story from The Hacker News, Anonymous claims to have the name of the cop who killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri recently, touching off protests and martial law within the city. Anonymous has vowed that simple justice for Michael Brown is no … Read More

World Wide Flash Floods

   The current word wide flash flooding is unparalleled. Below are some videos I found of only late July and August. This is the result of massive climate manipulation by HAARP/chemtrails/geoengineering, which the government continues to deny in spite of blatant evidence to the contrary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUGUST 15, 2014 MICHAEL JANITCH LEAVE … Read More

Transhumanism’s Eugenics Authoritarianism

  Wesley J. Smith | National Review | August 15, 2014 Transhumanism is selfish, all about me-me, I-I. It’s goal is immortality for those currently alive, and the right to radically remake themselves and their progeny in their own image. Zoltan Istvan, an up-and-comer transhumanist, is very good at promoting himself and his ideas. (I met … Read More

This Is Why They Killed Robin Williams

All News Pipeline With the ‘globalists’ in deeper trouble every day and their ‘New World Order’ in complete destruction mode as Americans awaken ‘en masse’ to their crimes, Christopher Greene and AMTVMedia give us the ‘truth’ about the death of Robin Williams in the newly released videos below. With America’s pathological addiction to irrelevant distractions clearly … Read More

The Military Occupation Of Ferguson, Missouri Is Just A Preview Of What Is Coming To America

  by MICHAEL SNYDER | AMERICAN DREAM | AUGUST 14, 20 Let’s be honest – Ferguson, Missouri is under military occupation right now, and the entire world is watching in horror as militarized police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at unarmed protesters.  Yes, the rioting and looting in Ferguson needed to be stopped.  If order … Read More

Iraq crisis: US and Britain call off rescue of Yazidis on Mount Sinjar

The Guardian | Aug 14, 2014 04.56 EDT Military mission ruled out for now as special forces find condition of thousands of stranded Iraqis is better than expected. Displaced Yazidi people who fled Sinjar rest at a border crossing between Iraq and Syria. Photograph: Youssef Boudlal/Reuters The US and Britain are stepping … Read More

Robin Williams

Paul Joseph Watson Prison August 12, 2014 In a bizarre coincidence, a Family Guy episode featuring Robin Williams which included a failed suicide attempt aired minutes before the announcement of the actor’s death. It’s interesting to ponder whether such synchronicities are meaningful and emerge from the collective unconscious, as … Read More

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