
The Manufactured “Christian” vs. Muslim Crisis

Muslim and “Christians” are being pitted against each other through the manufactured migration crisis. The simultaneous burning of Notre Dame and Al-Aqsa mosque were RITUAL SACRIFICES symbolizing the intended mutual destruction of the two great religions. Friends, while the Catholic church being used to symbolize Christianity, it is not Christianity. … Read More

Notre Dame Burning Predicted in My Pet Goat II

In the occult, April 19th to May 1st is sacrifice season, which is important to know in light of recent news. First we saw the unveiling of the blasphemous “Holy Stairs.” April 15 a sacrifice for Passover was held in Jerusalem. This is the first time they sacrificed a single … Read More

Beresheet: Sixth Grade Science Project Named After Pooping Bear Fails to Land on Moon

According to NBC News, Beresheet, “an Israeli spacecraft attempting to make history by becoming the first privately funded craft to land on the moon suffered an engine malfunction during its descent and crashed onto the lunar surface.” So, let me get this straight. Some guys built what that looks like a … Read More

Careful of that FEAR! Forced Vaccinations in NY have a Deeper Agenda

Mayor Bill de Blasio just declared a public health emergency in parts of Williamsburg, NY and said that ALL unvaccinated people, 6 months or older, will be required to get an MMR vaccine. (This mandate covers people who live in the ZIP codes of in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood, where more than 250 people have … Read More

Are Freemasons / Zionists Posing as Christian Prophecy Experts/Truthers?

UPDATED 4-1-2019 The Scofield’s Bible has made a massive impact on what is taught in Theological Seminaries and played a major part in the church’s indiscriminate support of the modern day state of Israel. Many of the well known “Christian Truthers and Prophecy Experts” are also outspokenly supportive of Israel. … Read More

Noahide Laws of the AntiChrist & Hebrew Roots || Mini Documentary

This video is a MUST WATCH! Mike very clearly (and without fear mongering) explains how the Hebrew Roots movement was created to condition believers into accepting a world under Jewish-Talmudic Noahide Law. If you’ve noticed a distinct Judaizing in the church and wondered exactly what is going on, this video … Read More

“Disturbing Anti-Israel Trend In Christian Churches” Reported by Trumpet Online

They’re scrambling! On Feb 23, The Trumpet Online published an article, originally posted in Olive Tree Views, marking “A Disturbing Anti-Israel Trend in Christian Churches.” The article reports a marked decline in evangelical support for Israel and End Times teaching. In answering the decline, it points to a decline in … Read More

Jesus was a ‘sorcerer,’ Bible a ‘book of magic,’ say Christian witches ahead of first annual convention

I’ve got no words for this one. Christian Post The first annual Christian witches convention is set to be hosted in Salem, Massachusetts, this April and will feature internationally recognized Prophet Calvin Witcher who agrees with the convention’s host that Jesus was a sorcerer and the Bible is really a “book of … Read More

YHWH (The Tetragrammaton) & the “Sacred Names” of God

I did some more research into the origins of the Tetragrammaton since publishing the original article below. I found additional information and needed to make a correction. Although Roger Hathaway’s article, quoted below, is correct in other details, it seems that the Tetragrammaton did appear in manuscripts before the Masoretic … Read More

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