
Alien Biology and The History of the “Chemtrails” Assault on Global Populations

HHA | 12/11/2014 Veterans Today | Harold Saive  (Last updated, 12/9/2014) GLOBE NEWSWIRE: “Synthetic biology is an emerging area of research and is broadly described as the design and construction of novel organisms or devices, artificial biological pathways, and the redesign of existing natural biological systems” DESIGNER DNA On Dec … Read More

Predictive Programming of Mind Control by Media

HHA | 12/6/2014 “How The Media Control Your Mind?” Predictive programming comes in many forms and many degrees of subtlety. If you have never looked into this subject, you wouldnt even notice how often predictive programming is used in fictional dramas. But when you know how to recognise the signs, … Read More

A Mainstream Website Admits Secret Societies are Real: What Else are They not Telling Us?

HHA | 10/30/2014 Energy Fanatics PL Chang | Last updated on August 2nd, 2014 | Published on May 8, 2013 For decades, people who tried to expose secret societies were ridiculed and attacked. Anyone who talked about the hidden agendas of the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Zionists, the Vatican, the Skull & Bones, … Read More

The Nightmarish Megacities of the Near Future

HHA | 10/26/2014 Dave Hodges | 27Aug, 2014 Six years ago, during the 2008 presidential campaign, I attended a Town Hall meeting sponsored by Republican and Presidential hopeful, Senator John McCain, where he was asked if he was opposed to the spread of the United Nations Agenda 21 policies throughout the … Read More Drastic Population Reduction

HHA 10/26/2014 ANP With Obama Ebola ‘Czar’ Ron Klain now officially exposed as calling for ‘depopulation’ as an answer to the world’s biggest problems as shared in the 2nd video below, we have been emailed a tip that should help prove to all doubters that ‘the end is near’ as … Read More

Putin ‘Bursts Into Tears’ – Why? What Does He Know That We Don’t Know?

HHA | (Before It’s News) With this linked viral story telling the world that Barack Obama has been acting ‘out of it’recently during a meeting with British Prime Minister  David Cameron, ‘conspiracy theorists’are watching the video below showing Russian President Vladimir Putin suddenly ‘bursting into tears’ and arguing over whether or not Putin’s emotions and Obama’s … Read More

Today’s Watchmen

Asking people to critically examine their long held opinions and belief systems doesn’t win any popularity contests to be sure. We read the stories in the Bible of the prophets, and God’s ‘watchmen’ and see them as hero’s, worthy of great respect since they were obeying God and trying to warn … Read More

Homeland Security Bulletin: Those Who Oppose COVID Measures Are Potential Domestic Terrorist Threat

In case you haven’t heard about it, a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin was released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Friday, August 13, 2021 titled, “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland.” The bulletin proposes that there is a growing domestic terrorist threat which includes individuals … Read More

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