
America’s Burgeoning Civil War

By Chuck Baldwin  August 9, 2018 Make no mistake about it: America is already engaged in its second civil war. The decades-old left-right, conservative-liberal, Democrat-Republican paradigm that had (before Donald Trump’s election) almost evaporated is back—with a vengeance. In fact, it has turned into a full-fledged war. And it doesn’t … Read More

Christian Zionism: The Tragedy and The Turning

CO This is a “must see” to understand why Christian Zionists (Judeo-Christians, Dispensationalists) support war in the Middle East to protect Israel. Learn how Cyrus I. Scofield’s reference Bible has been used to promote Christian Zionism throughout evangelical seminaries and into evangelical churches for over a hundred years. Christian Zionism: … Read More

Google goes all-in with Communist China; agrees to create state-controlled search engine that crushes human freedom

Trumpet As reported by The Intercept, according to leaked documents, the China-market site will blacklist websites and search terms containing “human rights, democracy, religion, and peaceful protest.” Code-named Dragonfly, the project has reportedly been under development for nearly a year-and-a-half, launching in the spring of 2017. The development sped up after … Read More

Will California State Assembly bill BAN the Bible?

California lawmakers are considering the country’s first ban on anti-LGBTQ conversion therapy for adults (Assembly Bill 2943). Undoubtedly anticipating a public outcry from Christians, Snopes and the MSM immediately went to work debunking the statements of Assemblyman Travis Allen in this interview. Additionally, I had to wonder why a Google … Read More

Mind Control, The Globe, and Quantum Theoretical Science

The importance of understanding the true nature of the earth. Christian Observer | by Yvonne Nightingale | from May 2017 Who are we? Where are we? Why are we here? What is wrong? What is the answer? The existential questions have plagued man from the beginning of time. They are the … Read More

Facebook / Athena / 5G Connection and the Depopulation Agenda

Apparently, there is a connection between the Athena Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), Facebook & 5G that points straight to the elite’s stated depopulation agenda. Facebook owns 66 companies, including the Athena “satellite“: The goddess Athena is known for her strategic skill in warfare and is dubbed the “Goddess of war”. Once … Read More

Laser Weapons Suspected as Cause of Explosive Wildfires

In 2015 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems hoped to eventually integrate its 150kW High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS) laser weapon system with the “Predator C” Avenger UAV, creating the “HEL Avenger”. Post Harold Saive – 9/28/2017 Laser Weapons No Longer Science Fiction (FOX NEWS) Video übernommen von:  (Futureman19 Am 22.10.2017 veröffentlicht ) … Read More

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