
The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order Agenda 21

  We are constantly inundated with poisons forced on us through GMO foods, pharmaceuticals, fluoridated water supply, microwave radiation, and chemtrails. Many buy into the whole global warming/population control agenda because they have been force-fed this garbage their whole lives and are no longer capable of critical thinking. For those … Read More

The Illuminati Fire & Ice Challenges: ‘Purifying’ Ritual Before A Human Sacrifice?

What if I told you that the good gesture sweeping across America called the “Ice Bucket Challenge” is actually a large ‘Ritual Purification Cleansing’ preparing for the Largest Human Sacrifice in History to usher in the Beast System? What if I told you the latest Fire and Ice Challenges are … Read More

Rick Wiles – ‘Now’s The Time That These Events Are Coming To Pass’ – TruNews With John Shorey On “Set The Trumpet To Thy Mouth Vision”

(Before It’s News) By Susan Duclos “America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America — and this nation will be no more.” The quote is the first paragraph, chapter one from a … Read More

The Stealth Land-Grab of Regional planners

Agenda 21 News  Thrive 2055 is a 40-year tri-state regional plan­ning scheme to cre­ate public-private part­ner­ships that will exchange the cur­rent rep­re­sen­ta­tive gov­ern­ment for a regional gov­ern­ment, with the ulti­mate goal of elim­i­nat­ing the prop­erty and per­sonal rights of residents. The peo­ple of Polk County Ten­nessee cher­ish their land. Farm­ers will tell you … Read More

How Do We Tell Our Children About the New World Order?

Posted on AUGUST 11, 2014 Written by DAVE HODGES, THE COMMON SENSE SHOW The Leave It To Beaver Era, When Times Were Simpler No Blue­print for Parenting America’s south­ern bor­der has dis­in­te­grated. Ebola has entered Amer­ica, Rus­sia and NATOare mobi­liz­ing in and around Ukraine in what could be the begin­ning of World War III our econ­omy … Read More

2014: Dawn of the Luciferian Era-Part 1

Paul McGuire Mind War is the deliberate, aggressive, convincing of all participants that in a war we will win that war. -General Michael Aquino and Col. Paul E. Vallely “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory” 2013 (and 2014) is going to be the convergence of many events that have … Read More

Night Stalkers to continue helicopter training over cities until Thursday

By Frederick Melo and Tad Vezner | Pioneer Press | 8/19/2014 Black Hawk helicopters, like this one on a U.S. peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, caused a stir when they were flown over Minneapolis and St. Paul on Monday night. (Armend Nimani/AFP/Getty Images) RELATED STORIES Aug 19: Soucheray: We bought your scary helicopters, so … Read More

‘Severe’ drought covers nearly 99.8% of California, report says

LA Times 8/20/2014 Drought conditions may have leveled off across California, but nearly 100% of the state remains in the third-harshest category for dryness, according to the latest measurements. For the past two weeks, California’s drought picture has remained the same, halting a steady march toward worse. But the breather … Read More

Democracy is over: Americans have ‘near-zero’ impact on policy and laws; corporations dominate government actions

(NaturalNews) One of Americans’ most cherished civil rights is also one of its most underused, which is a major reason why we are governed by some of the worst misfits and miscreants among us. According to a startling new piece of research by a pair of political science professors, ordinary … Read More

Weather Modification And The U.S. Military – Dr Sandra Perlingieri!

©Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri | Tats Revolution Photos: John Graf August 21, 2013 This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes. In the ultimate sacrifice, some have given their lives to report the TRUTH. “There’s a war going … Read More

Climate Change Is Being Caused By Electromagnetic Technology – Commercial Application Confirms Military Agenda

Harold Saive | Chemtrails Planet | June 25, 2014 Aquiess, Inc. uses powerful electromagnetic (EM) transmissions (radio waves) to “benevolently” steer huge reservoirs of atmospheric waters to force gentle rain in arid regions. But this same technology in the hands of a globalist military authority can be applied as a weapon for … Read More


Washington’s Blog Why is Obama now re-committing the U.S. military to Iraq? Why is France strongly backing military action? Obama says it’s to protect minorities. That’s nothing new. Obama is the fourth president in a row to bomb Iraq … while claiming it is for humanitarian purposes. But the architects of the Iraq War … Read More

Google Maps Has Been Tracking Your Every Move, And There’s A Website To Prove It Read more at’s-a-website-to-prove-it

By Elizabeth Flux | Junkee | 15/8/14  Remember that scene in Minority Report, where Tom Cruise is on the run from the law, but is unable to avoid detection because everywhere he goes there are constant retina scans feeding his location back to a central database? That’s tomorrow. Today, Google is tracking wherever your … Read More

World Wide Flash Floods

   The current word wide flash flooding is unparalleled. Below are some videos I found of only late July and August. This is the result of massive climate manipulation by HAARP/chemtrails/geoengineering, which the government continues to deny in spite of blatant evidence to the contrary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUGUST 15, 2014 MICHAEL JANITCH LEAVE … Read More

This Is Why They Killed Robin Williams

All News Pipeline With the ‘globalists’ in deeper trouble every day and their ‘New World Order’ in complete destruction mode as Americans awaken ‘en masse’ to their crimes, Christopher Greene and AMTVMedia give us the ‘truth’ about the death of Robin Williams in the newly released videos below. With America’s pathological addiction to irrelevant distractions clearly … Read More

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