
Disinformation In The Churches

Yvonne Nachtigal | HHA “Climate Change” Alarm continues to be filtered down to our churches from several sources, such as the World Council of Churches and the EEN (Evangelical Environmental Network), Southern Baptist Creation Care and others, and has been proven [- see below] to be funded through grants by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF).  The UN … Read More

The level of deception that surrounds the issue of climate change is absolutely monumental!!

by Greg Pallen “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations 1978:  Stephen Schneider, Atmospheric Scientist tells … Read More

Movie – “Kingsman” Reveals Mind Control Technologies Designed to Depopulate the Planet

Dave Hodges During a commercial break on The Common Sense Show in February of 2015, Deborah Tavares told me that I really should go see the move, The Kingsman, because there are so many elements present in this movie which show us where so much of our technology is headed. The Plot Gary … Read More


By Chuck Baldwin | 4/2/2015 | For two months this summer, the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) will conduct Realistic Military Training (RMT) Operation Jade Helm 15 (JH 15) in seven Southwestern U.S. states: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Military spokesmen say the operation is merely a … Read More

Islamists Declare Mahdi Returns 2015? Antichrist Candidate Proclaims Himself God, Psalm 83 War, and You Wont Believe What Else! Prophecy Unfolding and It’s Frightening

Lisa Haven | I urge you with everything in me to please watch the video below in its entirety. There is so much on the video that is imperative to hear. It dives into the very core of end time prophecy and exposes how we literally are on the … Read More

God Is Sending A Disgusting Flesh Eating Plague On ISIS (Thousands Infected And Spreading Quickly)

by Shoebat Foundation on April 1, 2015 in Featured, General THE Islamic State is facing a new enemy – being wiped out by a FLESH-EATING disease, according to reports. The self-declared Islamic State capital is currently experiencing some signs of the times and is in the throes of an epidemic and a number of members of … Read More


By Dr. Laurie Roth April 10, 2015 It is in your face if you actually dig and find the real news profiling the mass murders of Christians around the world. I just read again of the horror a few days ago of al-Shabab’s mass murder of 148 Christian students at … Read More

Boeing Patents Microwave Forcefield — Scalar 101 — 21st century technology rollout

Dutchsinse / Tatoot Boeing patents new instantly forming microwave force field which stops explosive blasts from hitting targets! Quote the article from Cnet: “A new patent granted to aircraft, defense and security company Boeing is taking its cues from science fiction. Just like the glowing energy shields seen protecting troops, machines and even … Read More

Jade Helm 15 Is a False Flag Takedown the Power Grid In Order to Quell All Resistance

Common Sense In recent months, both North Korea and Iran have threatened to launch separate EMP attacks upon the United States. Is such an attack likely? Would a foreign entity dare to launch such an attack given the threats made by Iran and North Korea? However, the emerging information does not suggest that North … Read More

New Analysis Confirms Watchman’s Soul Power

Cris Putnam | Supernatural Worldview In The Supernatural Worldview, I discuss Watchman Nee’s warning concerning the Latent Power of the Soul. Nee believed that humankind has a soul power that is remarkably similar to what parapsychologists have labeled Psi. Nee believed that in the end times this soul power would be apprehended by evil supernaturalism … Read More

“Urban Death Project” Plans to Compost Dead Human Bodies To Feed Crops

Title image by Amy Guidry “Everything’s Coming Up Roses“ Once again, just when you thought things couldn’t get any stranger, we learn about: The “Urban Death Project”. This fits in snugly with the UN’s Agenda 21 depopulation agenda (under the guise of “Sustainable Development”) and sounds like something the Nazi’s would dream … Read More

A Modern Exodus

God’s deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage is the great recurring theme of the Old Testament. Time and again, God’s prophets would remind the Hebrews of this great deliverance. Moses, himself, recounted The Exodus with the children of Israel over and over again. Hear Moses:

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