
The Zionist-Christian Alliance and the Great Deception

Veterans Today “O you who know in your hearts, do not take the [J-e-w-s and Christians] as friends…”  (5:51)   With those words, Shaykh Imran Hosein explains, the Qur’an warns us against the psychotic heresy known as “Judeo-Christianity” — the prime force behind the Zionist invasion, occupation, and genocidal destruction … Read More

Boiling the sky

Stop Spraying Us | Patrick Roddie | June 18, 2018 Our skies are being boiled with massive amounts of directed energy, superheating the atmosphere beyond 100º Celsius and forming massive plumes of steam all across the globe, satellite images proved today.   After investigating giant, fast expanding stem plumes west of Chicago in recent … Read More

Shocking Look at How Vaccines are Approved!

Aircrap Clueless Big pHarma idiots approve new HepB with ‘no research for multiple shots at one time.’ After 2.5 minutes, new vaccine approved – 100% approval. Concerns about myocardial infarction? No problem! Wants to look at the ‘Post Marketing’ data carefully. “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” … Read More

Why You Should NEVER Sign ‘Refusal To Vaccinate’ Document

POSTED BY: HELENSCO VIA PARENTS AGAINST MANDATORY VACCINES THE REFUSAL TO VACCINATE DOCUMENT The Refusal to Vaccinate document was created by the CDC or the American Academy of Pediatrics ‘legal department’ as a response to the growing number of toxic vaccines recommended by them and the growing number of parents who are becoming educated on this … Read More

Berkeley City Council Rings in Agenda 21, Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ and Call for Population Control

Depopulation can no longer be called a conspiracy theory. Berkeley City Council puts their desire to “humanely stabilize population” on record. Need to Know | 6/14/2018 The Berkeley City Council unanimously voted in a plan for climate regulations and put on record their desire to “humanely stabilize population”, a euphemism … Read More

America Is ‘Committing Suicide’ By Allowing Transgenders in the Military

Russian Top Anchor Kiselvov offers a damning assessment of America’s decline into satanic debauchery. In this video exposé, a Russia’s top news Anchor reveals just how far Sodom-and-Gomorrah-on-the-Potomac have fallen. Full Transcript: Russia Today News | Russia’s Top Anchor Kiselyov: Recently, a soldier of the U.S. Army underwent a sex reassignment … Read More

Vatican Official to Attend Bilderberg Mtg. | Topics Include “Post Truth” World

Catholic News Agency reports that a Vatican official will be attending the Bilderberg meeting this year. But more interesting is the list of key topics for discussion this year, including the “post truth” world. Andrea Gagliarducci Jun 7, 2018 CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY Cardinal Pietro Parolin. (Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA.) ROME – Cardinal Pietro … Read More

Reasons for the Modern Occult Revival

From 2015 John Ankerberg | John Weldon Occultism has now settled comfortably into American culture. Even many Christians are involved in psychic or occult practices, directly or indirectly. However, occult revivals in this nation are nothing new. The mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries boasted signifi­cant occult activity. If we consider … Read More

The Criminalization of Science Whistleblowers

This is a powerful MUST WATCH interview. (Natural News) In one of the most shocking science videos you’ll see this year, molecular biologist Judy A. Mikovits, PhD [a Christian], reveals the disturbing true story of how she was thrown in prison for blowing the whistle on deadly viral contamination of human vaccines. With … Read More

The Trump And Israel Conspiracy

By Chuck Baldwin  On January 11 of this year, I wrote a column entitled “Collusion With Russia Was Never The Crime.” In the column I wrote: All of the hoopla over non-existent collusion between Donald Trump and Russia is nothing but political theater. The real crime has been completely covered up … Read More

The 100 Year-Old Duping of American Evangelical Christianity – Christian Zionism

12-23-2016 – *Originally posted in September 2015, this excellent and important article continues to receive a lot of traffic, so I’m reposting it. 4 Winds The followers of Christ have been fooled into believing the Bible teaches something it does not teach: Christian support of Israel. Israel is, in fact: … Read More

Ancient Aliens Debunked

   Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the “ancient astronaut theory” which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as … Read More

Will Illuminati Use Homeless to Dispossess Us

Patrick Michalishyn, 30, above, found squatters in his garage. Henry presents the agenda behind our cities being overrun with homeless and migrants. The relative comfort and peace that Americans and Canadians have lived under for more than a generation has dulled their ability to imagine anything this sinister. More are … Read More

Evidence Grows that Hawaii Volcanic Eruption Caused by Puna Geothermal Venture

There is evidence that technology with an agenda is behind Kilauea’s recent rise in activity. <“” /> Latest Footage Evidence Grows that Hawaii Volcanic Eruption Caused by Puna Geothermal Venture DR MICHAEL SALLA May 27, 2018 The surge in volcanic activity in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii … Read More

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