
Government-enforced medical quarantines just went from ‘conspiracy theory’ to official policy in NJ and NY

HHA | 10/26/2014 (NaturalNews) The states of New York and New Jersey have leapfrogged federal guidelines and set up their own mandatory 21-day quarantine requirements for arriving passengers who had direct contact with Ebola patients in West Africa. “The patients with the highest level of possible exposure will be automatically … Read More

US Army Withheld Promise From Germany That Ebola Virus Wouldn’t Be Weaponized

HHA | 10/26/2014 High Government Official In Germany Seeks Washington’s Reassurance that the US DID NOT WEAPONIZE the Species of Ebola which Germany Made Available to Washington. Washington has not provided the reassurance. The arrogance and inhumanity of Washington is beyond comprehension. RT | October 20, 2014 US Army withheld promise from … Read More

Christian, Patriot Roundup Right Around the Corner or Already Here?

HHA | 10/23/2014 Vine Of Life As the chaos ensues globally, the elite are preparing for our indefinite interment and gun confiscations. If you don’t conform with the regime, you will be instantly interred and more than likely questioned, tortured, and whatever else they deem necessary. If you are a Christian, gun owner, … Read More

Executive Order For Ebola Quarantine ALREADY in place

HHA | 10/16/2014 Jimstonefreelance October 16 2014 Looking for that Border Patrol report that states Fema is preparing for 200,000,000 million American deaths in the near future that Examiner published and deleted? 🙂 HERE IT IS! 😉 The Liberian Daily Observer confirms Nana Kwame’s testimony Red cross did indeed inject people who subsequently … Read More

Wag The Dog?

HHA | 10/16/2014 With the whole world focused on Ebola, the  mid-east activity is being ignored by MSM. Nothing like a pandemic to keep people occupied while you start WWIII. Or, at least, that’s LA Marzulli’s opinion. Commentary & Analysis by L. A. Marzulli 10/16/2014 U.S. says ISIS made ‘substantial gains’ in Iraq … Read More

Mayor Backs Down On Subpoenas To Pastors

HHA Breitbart |  Sarah Rumpf | 15 Oct 2014  AUSTIN, Texas — Houston Mayor Annise Parker has backed down from the subpoenas the City of Houston issued to several area pastors, Breitbart Texas has learned. Breitbart Texas reported earlier about the controversy, stemming from litigation challenging the city’s anti-discrimination ordinance and subpoenas … Read More

False Flag? Obama to Send 3,000 Troops to Liberia in Ebola Fight

HHA | 10/15/2014 LA Marzulli | 10/14/2014 U.S. forces will construct 17 health care facilities of 100 beds each to isolate and treat victims. The U.S. mission will also set up a facility to train 500 health care workers per week. Obama is sending troops to Liberia to set up hospitals … Read More

ISIL largest footprint of crisis: EU officials

HHA | 10/15/2014 PressTV | 10/15/2014 EU counter- terrorism officials warn that the ISIL’s atrocities in Iraq and Syria are the “largest footprint of crisis” since the Second World War, Press TV reports. EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Kristalina Georgieva, said, “I am not going to exaggerate … Read More


HHA Breitbart | by John Bachelor |  14 Oct 2014 John Batchelor, our newest author on the Breitbart National Security vertical, and host of talk radio’s most strategic program on global affairs – WABC’s John Batchelor Show – has identified the Islamic State’s military plan for Baghdad, based upon an earlier Al Qaeda campaign … Read More

World’s Economy following Shemitah Cycle

HHA | Oct 10/2014 UPDATE Sept 13, 2015 I’ve been looking into the Shemitah popularized by Jonathan Cahn. This goes far beyond just the teaching of the ‘Shemitah’. My first “red flag” about Jonathan Cahn was in his book “The Harbinger”, where he wrote about supposed ‘terrorists from the middle east’ … Read More

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