
LUDOVIC = COVIDLU | More Predictive Programming from I Pet Goat 2

Maybe you’ve seen this pointed out elsewhere but I hadn’t until today. This video creator found some interesting details in I Pet Goat 2, beginning with the character “Ludovic.” LUDOVIC = COVIDLU Notice that the serpent has completely invaded, (consumed?) replaced the mind of the fractured, sickly character. UL = … Read More

The Role of Perception in The Great Shift / “Reset”

Don’t be deceived into thinking that the devil will be satisfied with taking away your physical freedoms and livelihood in a communist, totalitarian takeover. He will be content with nothing less than your immortal soul. Christian Observer | Yvonne Nachtigal As the media machine continues to fuel division in America, … Read More

The Return: The Kabbalist Meaning of “Teshuva” at Yom Kippur

A great Kabbalizing of Christianity has been taking place for some time, beginning in the 1800’s with Darby’s Freemasonic Dispensationalism preparing the church for Zionism. – We can actually go all the way back to Ribera, the 1500’s Catholic monk who moved the timeline in Daniel & Revelation off into … Read More

What’s Wrong With Christian Zionism? – A Simple Summary

Here’s a brief and simple summary of what’s wrong with Christian Zionism. By Brandee Gorsline Dispensationalism and the Christian Zionists it has created is possibly the biggest and mostly widely spread deception facing Christians today. (thanks to the Scofield bible). I don’t know of a single church that hasn’t fallen … Read More

An Appeal To My Preterist, Postmillennialist, Amillennialist, Reformed & Premillennial Historicist Brethren- Chuck Baldwin

By Chuck Baldwin February 6, 2020 Before I get to the main point: This column was written before the vote in the Senate to acquit Donald Trump of corruption charges took place—but it doesn’t matter. The verdict to acquit was made before the “trial” ever began. And as for the so-called … Read More


The believer who dares to question the officially accepted “truth” of Christian Zionism, Dispensationalism, Futurism & Premillennialism typically finds himself ostracized by his Christian friends as he begins the long arduous journey of dispelling a lifetime of indoctrination and  rebuilding his understanding final days prophecy and how to interpret events … Read More

HORRIBLE NOAHIDE SACRIFICE Renewing the Covenant of Noah for the “70 Nations” – Video (Warning Graphic)

UPDATED 9/28/19 Here is video of the Noahide sacrifice that was performed this morning… Warning: This is graphic. The unspeakably cruel deed is at roughly the 20 time marker. If you don’t have a strong stomach I strongly recommend that you skip it because this poor animal suffered a tortuously … Read More

Technology, Naturalism & Spell Casting

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal “We shall, unlike Archimedes, need neither fulcrum or lever, but we shall move the world.” – HP Blavatsky Fulcrum: the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns in moving a body. any prop or support. Zoology. any of various structures in an animal … Read More

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